Ferala Invasion

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"There's MORE of those Darkness Realm Demons here!?" Gust asked in fright-some voice. "Yes..and i tried my best to hold them back.. there's at least 30.. Not all were Soul-Thief Elementals, though." Ember looked back up at Aqua with worry in her flame-filled eyes. "I'm Sorry." She said to him. Aqua walked forward to Ember and said, "It wasn't your fault.. but we can still save Ferala from Invasion... theres three of us after all.." Ember's eyes lit up with fire, and she happily said, "If we all work together, maybe we can get the whole army!" Ember snapped her fingers, and pointed to the sky, with a small flame emitting from her finger. "And if they get near me, ill Blaze them into Oblivion!" Aqua turned to Gust to see if he would agree to go with them to try and put a stop the the Darkness spreading. Gust looked at Aqua and Ember, with fear in his eyes. "I couldn't save my realm..." He said, then looking up at the sky. "But maybe we can save Ferala with the three of us, and the Elemental Bond magic!" Gust's winds circled him, and his hand lit up with a dark gray light, and Gust was filled with determination.

"We have got to get to the portal, and temporarily shut it down." Aqua commanded Gust, who was still glowing brightly. "On it." Gust said, and the wind carried him away toward the portal. "And as for you, Ember" Aqua started, "You will be at Ferala's Farm areas, defeating and taking down the Darkness Elementals that Haunt that area." Ember's eyes Filled with red-hot Fire. "Affirmative." She replied, and jumped off building to building into a clearing, running toward the Farms. "Now, i must go to the Fire King's Castle to protect the citizens there." Aqua said to himself, creating a plan out loud.

"So this is the portal that they've been invading through?" Gust said to himself, hidden in the dark demon-filled skies. "Time to shut it down!" he said, flying toward it, ready to shut it down, but was stopped by a black smoke magic attack flying toward him from below, Gust was hit out of the sky by the strong attack. "Agh!" Gust cried out in pain. The attack caused a black virus to start spreading across his back. but luckily gust had a potion to cure such viruses. he took it out, and saw what the source of the magical attack was. A high class Dark Realmer. The Darkness Elemental shot another Shadow-like Ball of Evil toward Gust, who was slow from the virus already, and he started dripping the Virus cure potion on his back, but the potion was hit out of his hand by the strong elemental. The attack hit him in a bullseye on his forehead. he was on the ground, trying to reach for the potion, grabbed it, and dripped the purple-and-light blue liquid on his back, curing it, then his forehead. Gust got up, ran for the portal, and dove toward it, summoned an Air Hammer, Gusts special Elemental weapon. The hammer had a yellow top where he used to attack, and break objects, lines with yellow streaks through it, glowing a yellow-gray color with a brown handle attached and a red grip. Gust smashed a side of the portal, shutting down the red swirls from it. "No!" The Darkness elemental said, as the portal was shut down. Gust turned, shot his hand out, balled it into a fist, and pulled it toward him. The Darkness Realmer was lifted off his feet, pushed by the strength of Gust's wind, thrown into the air toward Gust like a feather in the wind. "You're not going to live." Gust said in an angry voice, and grabbed the Darkness Elemental in the shadow of his neck, and threw him forward, with the Elemental flat on his back, he took his hammer and a gray light emitted from it, he threw it behind him, and began to swing. "Noooooooo!" The Darkness Elemental said before getting smashed. The black goop went everywhere, all over Gust. "its what you get for destroying Aralu."

"All farmers get to cover!" Ember commanded to the nearby citizens and farmers. "Time to  fight off these Darkness Demons!" Ember jumped up, spotting a group of about six different Darkness Realm Warriors, attacking a few citizens "Hey!" Ember shouted to the Elemental Warriors. "Leave them alone, or you'll all pay the price of a flaming death!" The Shadow-like beings looked at her, then two of them jumped up, unsheathed swords, and attacked Ember, who dodged both attacks. "That all you got?" Ember taunted the enemies. The citizens ran into a house, taking cover. Ember started to glow, and her hands caught on fire, and Gauntlets formed on her fists. They were Red, almost looking like hot coals, and had a red glow to them, and had damaged areas all through them, with orange light emitting from the rock-like cracks. Flaming with the power of the suns, she punched the first warrior, turned and grabbed the other, gripping its face, burning it off... The creature made a high-pitched "SHRIIEEEKK" and he blew up, black goop going everywhere. "Who's next!?" Ember shouted, after defeating both enemies in a first attack. 3 of the others ran toward Ember, who jumped into the air, landed behind one of them, and kicked them down, and repeatedly smashing its chest. The being blew up, being defeated. Ember turned, punched one of the ones coming at her from the left, and turn at her right, and uppercut the one coming at her. Suddenly Black Magic formed in front of her, and hit her, sending her flying many feet away. Ember got back up, seeing the two she had attacked already blow up in a flaming burst. "Two more." Ember said to the beings. "Gonna give up?" She taunted once more. "Never." the Elemental who sent the Black Magic said to Ember in a raspy, echo-like voice, then extending its hand, and shooting a black mist at Ember, who dodged the attack. She sent a WildFire attack toward him, knocking him down and catching him on fire. "Not this wayyyy!" he cried before he blew into a pile of goop. "Your next." Ember said to the enemy who was running at her. She grabbed him by the neck, burning it. He shrieked in pain. Ember threw him on the ground, then raised both hand to the sky, and a fire formed under him, roasting him alive. from the center of the blaze, an explosion sent goop everywhere. Ember was out of breath, but ran to the house the citizens were in, and made sure they were okay.

"Everyone get in the castle!" Aqua ordered. "The darkness is spreading through Ferala! if you dont want to be taken, get in the castle!" He waited for them all to leave, and saw Ember and Gust appear from the Smoke and flame of Ferala, coming to his aid. "We've cleared out the entire area." Ember declared, happily. "Now all thats left is this area," Gust added, knowing they could take back Ferala."The leader still hasn't shown yet." Aqua said, knowing that a challenge was approaching. "The leader?" Gust asked. "Yeah, they had to get here somehow, one of the commanders has got to be here." Aqua said to Ember and Gust. "Go take out the enemies coming from the sides." Aqua ordered. "Ill go take out the commander, who is now coming. i sense it." "Right" both Ember and Gust said, moving to the sides, taking out Darkness Troops. Aqua started running forward, and the ground shook, followed by a loud roar by the commander. "He's a Giant!?" Aqua said, surprised it wasn't another Elemental. The giant was Reddish Black and had a robe with a hood on, and was slightly skinny with dark red eyes. Aqua ran toward the Beast and sent the magic spell "Tsunami" toward it sending a Large wave bigger than the giant itself. Knocking it off its feet. "I'm not letting you take Ferala!" Aqua Yelled, and summoned his Elemental weapon, the Sea Scythe. The Sea Scythe had a bright blue glow to it, with a streak of water circling the Entire Scythe, moving from top around to bottom, back to the top. It's Blue blade was forged from a strong Metal only in Atlanthia, called "Sea Platinum" The handle of the Scythe was a dark blue, and had a red grip in two spots, one on the top and bottom where Aqua's hands were placed. "You'll be sliced in two with the power of the Oceans!" Aqua Screamed at the beast while running at it. The giant commander swung at him, and hit him into the ground. Aqua got back up, jumped on the hand, and started running up the arm with his Scythe in hand. He stabbed the Sea Scythe into the giants arm, and started dragging it through it black-and-red Demon flesh, up to his shoulder. The Giant roared in pain, grabbed Aqua, and started to squeeze. Aqua had no escape at the point... But then suddenly Ember and Gust came to his rescue, and pronounced an Elemental Soul Bond. "Air, and Fire Winds combine! may our souls Intertwine!" The two Elementals formed to become one mind, their new name, Embust. they sped into action, grabbing Aqua from the hand of the beast. "Aqua, get back." Embust said. "Were going to preform the Elemental Bond attack!" Embust ran to the castle, and set Aqua inside. With their new size of two times their normal size, they cast the Soul Bond spell, and yelled, "BLAZING TORNADO!" and shot their hands from the ground to the sky, and a Tornado formed with the blaze of the suns. "ARRRGHHH!" The Giant said, getting engulfed in the powerful attack. "Nooo! This is not how my plan will fail!" The giant exclaimed in a booming voice. "Take cover!" Embust yelled to every Citizen, and Aqua. "Hes gonna blow!" Aqua exclaimed, as a large explosion blew over the castle grounds, sending Black goop everywhere. Everyone cheered as they had taken their Realm back. "We did it.." Ember said, now unfused with Gust. "We did..." Aqua said, happily. "Now... Lets clean all this goop up!" the three laughed, and got to work. after all the goop was gone, the King of Ferala greeted Aqua, Ember, and Gust and handed each of them a reward for saving his Realm. Each of them had gotten a scroll that read read "May the one who saves us have this scroll, and summon thy dragon and destroy thy fool." Aqua thanked the King, and so did the others. "thy dragon?" Gust asked "Whats that mean?" Aqua looked at Gust while they exited the Kingdom. "Guess we'll find out in time, huh?" "Yup!" Gust said. Ember turned to look at both of them, and said, "Thank you guys, so much for helping me take back Ferala from the Demons of the Darkness Realm.." Ember looked down at the ground at they walked through a black feild covered in goop from the smaller warriors. "How can i repay you?" Ember asked, and both Aqua and Gust had the same idea. "Join us." Aqua said, happily. "Join you? what do you mean..?" Ember questioned. "We've been trying to get The Magic Ones back together, and you are part of our team, Ember The Fire Elemental, We would like you to join us in protecting all lands, but not just our home Realms." Gust said to Ember, who looked very happy. "Of course." Ember said. "Where should we go next?" She asked "Well, only time will tell..." Aqua answered. For now lets go to the Life Realm,  Litharis. We can find the next Magic One there. But shes not going to come as easy... there might be a few battles, and maybe lots of training." Aqua said, "But that Fairy queen will join us again." 

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