Chapter Six

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Sleep is so good. It's like my religion. If only someone wasn't trying to stop it, "Hiroko, Wake up."

I stayed asleep. Then, the person shook me... My eyes snapped open and I slowly sat up. There was a dark shadow surrounding me, and I glared in the direction of the person, "K-Kakashi?"

"Yes, A-Aoi?"

"U-Uhm, I think W-We should run"

They made their first move and I shot up out of bed, pulling the bigger one down to the ground and immobilizing him by pulling his arm back to the point it would hurt. My other arm was around his neck in a choke hold. My eyes were pretty much shining like a demon's and I was very mad. I suddenly smelt the bitter smell of coffee. My eyesight cleared and I let go of whoever I had in a chokehold. I looked down to see my dad with his soul leaving his body. 

I panicked and started to shake him, "It's okay, Hiroko," I looked over to see Aoi with a cup of coffee in his tiny little paws, "You aren't yourself when you don't have your coffee," He pushed it towards me," drink up."

I could tell he was still wary but I quickly drank the cup. I soon finished my coffee and got dressed for the day. I was wearing Papa's arm warmers, A white turtleneck with no sleeves, poofy black pants that start to cling about an inch below the knee, and my black ninja sandals. I finished the look off with both my locket from Haku and by tying the ninja headband around my waist like a belt. I moved my dad onto my bed and left a note for him saying that I was going to walk around the village. I ended up running into Konohamaru who ended up wanting to see me train... Pretty sure he is gonna want me to teach him something... So, we ended up at the training field and Konohamaru, the fireball, was sitting on a log far away, just in case.

 Aoi went down onto the ground and a poof of smoke with some lightning surrounded him. When it cleared, in the small Raiju's place stood a male who was five foot nine. He had the same exact hair and eye color as Aoi. He was wearing a tailcoat like jacket that was open and black with a white v-neck underneath. His pants clung and they were also black. His shoes were white and to finish his outfit off he had a yellow sash tied around his waist. 

"W-what happened to Aoi?!" I heard a startled yell from behind me. Konohamaru was there with his mouth dropped open. Aoi smirked, "I am Aoi, you little turd."

Konohamaru got a tick mark but I got into my fighting stance quick-firing off some hits so Konohamaru wouldn't interfere.


Well, about halfway through the fight Aoi decided he was "tired" and just fell asleep. Now Konohamaru and I were just drawing on his face... Fun times. He's probably gonna kill us when he wakes up. Oh well! So far, he has fake eyes drawn on, a mustache, and Naruto's whiskers... He is so gonna kill us. Konohamaru was working on boogers, and I'm just writing down on his forehead that Hiroko and Konohamaru were there. Yep. We're gonna get murdered. I felt him start to shift around so I grabbed Konohamaru and Teleported us to a safe place. We both stayed absolutely silent as Aoi just got up, looked around, and started to walk away...


I jumped. There's that voice again... I'm definitely losing my mind... Out of the corner of my eye, I was so sure that I saw something. It was like floating sand. I shrugged it off and I suddenly felt my head get gripped. 

I jumped so bad and my eyes widened, "Hiroko...." uh-oh...... Aoi's mad.

"What the frick did you do to my beautiful face?" I could tell Aoi really wanted to cuss but was keeping it PG because of the little one in front of him. I started to sweat nervously and out of sheer nervousness, I stomped on his foot, elbowed his gut, and as a finish, I Spun around and kneed him in his family jewels.

Oooh. That's gotta hurt

I ignored the voice, I've already accepted that I'm going crazy, and I started to make a run for it with Konohamaru on my back. I could feel Aoi giving chase and I quickly hid behind the closest person to me... It was Sasuke.

"What are you doing? Get away from me, you idiot!" Huh.... He didn't respond like he normally would. 

I peeked over his shoulder and saw Angry Aoi, "Hand over the brats, Emo," Hissed Aoi, and Sasuke took one look back at me and I was mentally pleading with him to not move.

 I have zero good luck today I guess since He moved out of the way. Aoi was popping his knuckles and had a tick mark on his head, "Little turd, Run now or you will get the beating as well."

I paled more... He's so gonna murder me. Without hesitation, Konohamaru ran off, "Sorry, Cousin! You're on your own!"

Well. Let's see if this cousin buys you candy ever again then.

--------Time Skip-------

I was on the ground and I had a TON of bruises and bumps covering me. Aoi acted like he was wiping his hands clean and looked triumphant, "That'll teach her not to draw on my face ever again!"

"Hey! Who do you think you are doing that to our teammate?!" Naruto yelled.

Aoi looked over at him with a raised eyebrow, "I'm Aoi, That's who."

Pretty sure everyone's jaws dropped... I also think Sakura had hearts in her eyes. Aoi looked down at me and rolled his eyes slightly, but he picked me up anyways, "I hope you know you're a brat, Hiroko."

I nodded and pouted, rubbing my sore arms. I saw him smirk, "You're not gonna buy the Turd candy anymore am I right?" I nodded to him and waved slightly to my shocked teammates.

We got plenty of stares from the townspeople as Aoi is about twenty-years-old and I'm only twelve. Who cares about them though? They're all idiots. It was nice to be carried. I think I'm going to use the opportunity to take a short nap...


I was woken up soon though, "Hiroko?! What happened to her?!" I heard Kakashi yell.

"I happened that's what."

"Who are you?!"

"I'm Aoi, Pink thing"

Pretty sure my dad had a sweatdrop, "Yep... That's definitely Aoi,"

I felt us moving again and I snapped my eyes open. I saw Kakashi staring down at me.... When did I get moved into his arms? "Ah! You're awake!" 

I nodded slightly but snuggled closer to him wanting to go back to sleep, "Hiroko... It's only noon..."

All I did was snuggle into him more. I heard a slight laugh but was too far into sleep too care. I felt a soft material beneath me and felt him cover me up and kiss my forehead, "Have a nice nap, Hiroko."

I sleepily nodded and clumsily pointed at him to tell him night.

I felt a ball of fur lay next to my arm and heard, "Night, brat."

I smiled.


My eyes fluttered open and I stumbled out of bed and looked out the window... I think I missed dinner. It was dark out and I saw the moon. I heard a slight snore come from the bed and I saw Aoi sprawled out on the pillow like he was making a snow angel. I giggled noiselessly and turned back to the window. I'm pretty sure I saw a silhouette in the dark but it was probably just my sleepy brain. I heard my stomach growl And I decided to go get a midnight snack. I grabbed a bowl and poured some cereal in it with milk... Cereal tastes much better at night than in the morning.


I really shouldn't be used to this voice but guess what? I am used to it! I'm crazy... Extremely crazy...

After eating I put the bowl in the sink and walked back to my bedroom to fall asleep again.... Sleep is my religion... I have a feeling the next two months are gonna be interesting...

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