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As she brisk-walked to the more-or-less-two-kilometer-away bus stop, Soojin realized that it was really hard to walk in her school shoes. She wished her school would be more sensible regarding footwear, but this comfort is currently the least of her problems. For the second time in one night, she hoped to God she wouldn't get mugged.

"Soojin!" she heard Park Woojin call from behind. She was slightly amazed. This was the first time Woojin ever said her name. Not that it mattered, or that Soojin was keeping tabs or something.

Even with her brisk-walking, Woojin still managed to catch up with her. "Are you seriously walking home?" he asked.


"You'll be tired by then," Woojin said.

"I know that."

"Why don't I hail you a cab or something?" Woojin suggested.

Soojin thought it over, but decided against it. "I'll just walk. It's too expensive."

"Be sensible," Woojin said. "When you reach the bus stop, you still have to walk to your house. And it isn't really safe out here, you know."

"I texted my mom about this and she says she'll be at the bus stop. I'm walking."

Woojin concluded that this girl was—very stupidly—determined to walk her way home, so he gave up trying to convince her otherwise. He matched his pace with her and decided that he's just gonna go along with whatever she's planning.

He reached his hand out to her.

"What's that for?" Soojin asked when she noticed it.

"Give me your book," Woojin said.

For some reason, Soojin felt embarrassed and red in the ears. "I-it's not that heavy," Soojin reasoned out, stammering.

"Yeah, but, like, people passing by are giving me nasty looks for letting you do that," Woojin said.

Well, there her embarrassment went. Soojin couldn't believe that she believed for a second that this guy was actually doing this sincerely. Of course it was only for his image.

As Soojin debated whether she should thank Woojin after for walking with her to the bus stop, he started talking again.

"Do you really like Blacknut?"

"Yes," she answered.

"That's interesting." He paused for a minute, and then spoke again. "I... I'm sorry I practically attacked you that day. It's probably annoying to hear this, but you really don't look like the type to listen to that music."

Did he seriously just apologize?

"I-it was like, a week ago," Soojin said, barely succeeding at brushing it off.

"Yeah, but I never really said sorry for it," Woojin said, sounding sincere.

She didn't know what to say after that.



"I like Blacknut, too."


short but (hopefully) sweet? Jdjddjs was that last line too weird

also you guys tangled reached 1k reads jddjdjd i know its not that much but im really happy lol

tangled; park woojinWhere stories live. Discover now