Chapter 9 Luke

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I start packing. I don't really have anything besides the things I was given. 2 shirts, 3 pares of pants, 1 pare of shoes, and some mismatch socks, plus the shirt I was wearing the day of the turning (already using the new words they've created), but we had to throw away the pants too much blood. We can only bring 1 bag for our stuff and the rest is for supplies except got one bad filled with some weapons and food. I look up from my bag and sigh. I take walk down stairs in to the living room where some people are watching a movie from the local video store. I look at the clock above the tv. It's exactly 7:30 right now I would have to go to bed in an hour but Josh asked me to stay up till 10 with him and Mandy. Having a bit of free time before bed. I get an extra snack before I leave because we won't get breakfast tomorrow. We leave at 5'o clock which means I have to get up at 4:30 then we leave. I sit and watch the movie for a bit. I almost feel like everything's back to normal, but of course the back of my brain I know it's not and it will never be. The movie ends and it's time for the kids to go to bed. They kids huddle around me in a group hug and say good bye. They all run except one little boy, Antony, the oldest. He waves his hand for me to follow him in to the kitchen. I follow him. Its just me and him in the semi empty room.

"If your in trouble you can count on Mandy she saved my life she can save yours." He says.

"Wait, hold on. What are you talking about"

"I know none of the other kids know but outside right now there are zombies and they almost killed  Mandy and I. She can protect you and trust me things will get ugly out there. You're going to have to have no mercy. You will need to kill them no madder if you want to or not. It's you or them and them- they are winning."

"Ok. " I can't believe I'm taking advice from a 7th grader.

"I'm going to miss you." he hugs me.

"I'm going to miss you too."

"But I will see you again. You promise me"

"I will"


I walk back up stairs and take a left instead of a right. I know that this is where Mandy, Josh, and Mandy's dad's rooms are but other wise I have no idea what's over on the other hallway I walk down till I hit a door. I hear Mandy's voice.

"You want me to end up like mom!?!" I hear her say. I put my ear to the door.

"I never said that I just..."

"No you don't just...someone else can go"

"I don't trust other people."

"Thats bull and you know it. You trust Josh"

"Not after he didn't tell me about this."

"Then send one of the adults you can make Noah go"

"Noah has his kids and I don't trust them either."

"Then you go.  Aren't parents supposed protect their children not send them in to the depths of hell."

"I have to stay here and watch and protect other kids. I have protected you I taught you how to take care of your self, fight, survive..."

"Your such a hypocrite I can stay here and sit on my lazy ass while you get killed too. I can run this place."

"I know you can, but you're going and that's final."

"This isn't grounding me from a party or making me do my homework. This is life or death"

"No. this is life because you can protect yourself."

"You're such a..." she starts speaking in German again. I hear foot steps and walk away from the door. Mandy walks past leaving the smallest crack in the doorway. I look inside the room. Mandy's dad takes a deep breath and sits on the be on the left. I look around the room. There's a desk in the middle of the room and a dresser on the right. I only realize his hands had been in his pockets the whole time as he pulls them out. His fingers, black almost to his palm. I gasp almost giving me away. He kneels down next to his bed and folds his hands.

"Dear God, please keep Amanda safe and take care of the people that will be living without me" He sighs "I'm not sure why you're giving me this fate but I will try to follow your way for as long as I have left." He's silent for a while "See you soon" He's says.

I can't stand it. I walk down the hall and see Mandy's dad walk out of the room never to come back and walk down the stairs. I run in to Mandy's dad's room and head right to the desk. I shuffle through the papers till I find the note. It's written in black ink and has at least 4 pages. I don't know how long this took to write but I hear you only have one day till you start turning. I start reading the paper.

'To: Everyone

I left you all need to resume your daily duties and take care of the house. Drake I trust you to take care of the house while Mandy's gone...'

There's so much more something written for everyone in the house. I look at the end.

'And Amanda there's something for you and only you at the place you wanted to go more than anywhere. Go there and find the note in the hallway in the vents. I've driven there during the night and plan to die there. I love you. 

 And I will miss you all'

That's all I can read before Mandy walks in.

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