Chapter Six: A Problem Solved

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Emma’s P.O.V.
I glanced up to see Alex slowly standing from his spot. “A-Alex? Is something wrong?” I began to worry. What if this is because I ran away without saying much of anything and pushed him to tell me what he was hiding. My worry quickly turned into fear. “Nothing's wrong. It's just time for the next part of our date.” He smiled.

“There are multiple parts to this?” I questioned as he took my hand. “Of course there are.” His smile lit up the night. He looked so happy to just be with me. Smiling back, I let him help me from my chair. This was sure to be an interesting night.

-After the date-

“That was an enchanting evening, Alex. Thank you for that.” I smiled as we walked back to the bakery. “Um...J-Josie, I have something to ask you.” Alex promptly stopped walking. “What is it?” Noticing his absence in walking, I soon stopped as well. “Josephine, will you….will you be my girlfriend?” He all but threw those last words at me.

“This is sudden, Alex.” I looked at him. “I know, but I feel like I needed to ask you.” His expression turned to worry. “What brought this on?” My voice cracked. “Well, after our date tonight, I realized that I like you more than I thought I did.” Alex took my hand in his. Shock took over my body, rendering me helpless as of that moment.

“I know that this is a lot to take in. If you need more time, let me know tomorrow at school. I better be going. Good night, Josephine.” He kissed my cheek quickly before running off in the direction of his house. I was left standing on the sidewalk in total shock. If an akuma had been released, I would have been crushed. Quickly making my way back, I ran up the stairs and went straight to bed.

-The next Morning-

Pulling myself out of bed, I began to dread what the day would bring. “Good morning, Emma.” Tikki’s cheerful voice rang. “Good morning, Tikki.” I sighed. Curling my hair quickly, I slid on a black dress and heels, not bothering with anything else. “Emma, are you okay?” Tikki sat on my shoulder. “To be honest, I am not.” I sighed.

“What's going on?” Tikki flew in front of my face. “It is a girl named Samantha in my class. She is not the kindest, however I will adapt to this new life.” I gave a faint smile. “What are you going to do about Alex?” She looked at me curiously. “That is another thing I must get used to. What do you believe I should do?” A faint sigh escaped my lips.

“That's up to you, Emma. It's your life to live. Not mine.” Her voice became ever so slightly stern. “Tikki, please. I need help.” I pleaded. “If you feel that you like him, agree to be his girlfriend. If you don't, then let him down easy with a kind rejection.” She sat down on my shoulder again. “That seems simple.” I nodded, grabbing my bags before walking downstairs.

- At school-

“Josie! Hi!” Alex ran up to me as I found myself in front of the school. “Hello, Alex.” I tried to smile, but my nerves were killing me. “What's up?” He smiled brightly. “My nerves.” I sighed. “What's wrong?” His smile quickly faded. “I have the answer to what you asked me last night.” I tried to meet his gaze, but it was difficult. “Okay?” His voice sounded hesitant.

Taking in a deep breath, I braced myself for what was to come. “I will say yes.” A faint smile crossed my face. “Say that again?” Alex looked at me as if I said something to offend him. “I said yes.” My voice cracked slightly. He said nothing for a few seconds before picking me up and spinning me around.

“Alex, please put me down.” I yelped. “Fine.” He gently set me down after one final spin and smiled. Letting out a small giggle, I was happy for once. I never thought that I would be able to tell him that I accepted, but once I did, he seemed to be the happiest I have ever seen him. Grabbing my hand, we walked into the school, both of us smiling real smiles.

As soon as we walked in though, everything went from perfect to disaster. Samantha immediately grabbed me by my hair and slammed me against a wall. “Hello, Josephine.” She smiled wickedly. “Samantha.” I all but growled out. “Now that's no way to treat me, is it?” Her voice was fake and sickeningly sweet.

Throwing me into the professor's desk again, I groaned in pain. The injuries from last night still cursed my body, making it hurt even worse than usual. “Oh be quiet you peasant.” She snarled. A peasant? Me? Hardly. I thought with a growl. Standing up, I let out a low growl. Anger taking over. “Emma, don't let negative emotions control you.” I heard Tikki’s voice.

The anger that had clouded my vision had just as quickly cleared. “Please leave me be.” I walked over to my desk as if nothing had happened. “Leave you be? You disrespect me like that and act like I'll leave you be?” She all but shouted at me. “Yes.” I sighed before opening my sketchpad, beginning to draw whatever came to mind.

Hey guys, how is everyone doing today? I hope everyone is enjoying their day. Im in New York right now, so I'm sorry I haven't been updating as I used to. I'll get back on track as soon as I can.

Word Count: 955

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