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  The ball room was one of the biggest parts of Saturn Rooms.

It streched to a point that you had to squint to see the other end of the room and it's designs was quite unique mixing the old with the new.

Teenagers would have wanted a frat party but Mike atimes preferred the sanity and beauty of the dance floor. Plus: he hadn't seen his parents in a while and he had a feeling they were there. In the crowd of the royals who stood or danced in the room.

Fred scratched his chin strap as he scanned the place. "Damn. This place got style."

  Wills turned to him "You said that the last time you were here."

  Fred turned shocked "I've been here before? Well... I must have lost the memory because I'm normally following that twin of mine to all those her concerts."

Mike chuckled remembering Sarah Tusk and how she drove Fred crazy atimes.

"Guys," he said "this is time for us to let us relax, not to reminisce about our issues. Let's go grab a drink then we'll split and meet back here at... eleven?"

  Fred nodded "Sounds like a plan." He pointed to a table where there was a bowl of punch "I'll go grab some glasses. You two should just wait here." then disappeared.

Wills chuckled at a text and Mike noticed. "What's got you smiling all of a sudden?"

  He looked up at him "Remember Kim?" He asked and Mike nodded "Yeah, your chemistry partner."

"Well," he continued "We're kind of... getting to know each other? And she's coming from the hotel with a friend."

Mike smiled "Wills, starting to settle."

  His cheeks turned pink "Don't push it. I'm just starting the relationship thing. You should too."

Mike nodded at the suggestion. "Not a bad idea. I'll think about it."

Fred stepped into view with a tray balanced on his fingers. "Sorry, guys." He apologized "Some girls began to trouble me at the table... let's separate and meet up. Because one of those girls caught my eyes."

They separated and Mike began to make his way to the center of the hall where he was sure to find his parents but instead he bumped into someone else.

As the shorter figure slammed into his chest he stepped back to balance himself from falling. "Crap, I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention."

  "Neither was I." A female voice agreed but as he recognized it he felt anger surge through him.

He looked down at the girl with his cold green eyes. She stood in a stunning black strapless dress which had a slit that rose dangerously high, her heels grey like the color of her bob that sat on her head calmly.

This was Sidney Lian. The daughter of the billionaire couple that owned the Gerrats café. That sat right next to Saturn Rooms.

Their parents were close.

But they weren't.

Sidney looked up with a smile on her face but Mike kept a straight face and cursed at how the room suddenly seemed to slow down so they could hear each other perfectly.

"Funny seeing you here." She said stepping close with a dangerous smirk across her face."We haven't spoken in a while."

  Mike stepped back cautiously. "We haven't spoken because in a while because I don't want to, Sidney. And I don't want to spea-" his eyes noticed the thing that decorated her neck.

A pearl necklace that was shipped all the way from Australia just for her. Valentine's day. One of the most expensive and beautiful things he's ever bought.

"You still wear it?" He blurted out and she took one huge step closer allowing him to smell her rose perfume.

  "Of course I wear it." She told him "I never took it off... I never... I never forgot what we had."

Her eyes fell upon his lips and she began to lean in slowly, her eyes closed and her breathing softened as she waited for him lean in for a kiss but as she waited for their lips to brush one another she felt his breath against her ear before he let out a cold low whisper.

"But I did Sidney. Nothing ever existed. Nothing ever will."

He began to push past her but by her strong grip he was forced to turn and he suddenly felt her palm slap him hard across his face.

He didn't do anything. He just stood there facing the direction of where he was slapped to.

"I hate you." Sidney whispered back and with that she walked off.

Why didn't Mike react? Because he didn't feel like it was worth going through... not again.

His eyes land on Fred who was being disturbed by a girl in a yellow dress and her brown long hair sweeping her shoulders. Fred didn't look like he minded so he didn't bother himself.

"Mike!" Wills called and he spun around to face him. "What's up, mate?"

  Wills lowered his glasses and observed his face "Why is your cheek red?"

Mike cursed and rubbed the point of impact "Ran into Sidney."

  Wills rose his brow "Here? Suprising." He pointed to the balcony "But Kim and her friend are out front, maybe you want to see them?"

  Mike nodded. "Don't have anything better to do."

They stepped unto the balcony where the two ladies rested against the railings and stared at the stars. Mike could tell Kim because of her jet black hair with the grey highlights at the end.

Her purple dress seemed to sparkle from the light that came from inside.

But Mike couldn't recognize the other one. Her blonde hair long and straight, her dress as white as it could be and as beautiful as it could too. He couldn't see her face but he had a feeling she was somewhat royal here.

Especially from the Rose design sewn gracefully on the back of her dress.

Kim looked back at the two and smiled "Mike, you look classy."

  Mike pulled his shirt, grinning at the complement. "I try my best."

  Wills rolled his eyes at my confidence then turned to the stranger at the railing. "She's enjoying the view I see."

  Kim smiled at the girl against the railing "She doesn't normally see the stars so brightly.

Mike turned to Wills. "And she is?"

"Annabelle Deer Levesique." The girl  answered then turned to show a beautiful face. "And I believe we're going to get along just fine."

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