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  Everything was going swell.

  Wills had no problem getting into the computer room, Fred was leaning against the door and telling those who wanted to enter that a couple were having a moment inside.

  Mike and Owen were wondering about the party which was actually an open courtyard with the lighting connected to the buildings surrounding them. They had their mask on firmly so they won't fall off and reveal their identity.

  And Max. Max was just by a corner with a cup in his hands as he silently scanned the place. He also tend to whistle at passing girls so Mike did feel unsure whether he was drunk or at least getting there.
But the plan was going great. Until Mike turned and spotted her.

  "Shit." He said and Owen turned in the same direction to say the same.

  Wills heard the both of them thanks to the detective earpiece they all had on. "Why shit? What's going on out there?"

  "We just spotted Anna." Owen answered "And she's with Vonn."

  "Fucking hell." Max said as he looked in their direction "I definitely didn't see that coming."

  Mike looked at her. She had on one of her White Rose dresses and her hair was neatly packed up into a bun allowing her white mask to stand out. Next to her was Vonn who wore a white suit and a golden mask.
  He probably did it for them to match although Mike knew a bit of fashion sense due to his time with Anna and he knew that the shoes Vonn wore were a hell no.

  Fred looked around to be certain no one was around. "If either of them spot you we're screwed. Try to blend in with the party. Grab a dance partner or something."

  Mike wasn't really in a dancing mood but considering the fact that both Anna and Vonn could tell it was him if they had a good glance straight away he guessed that's the best idea.

  Owen didn't mind. If he got to dance on the mission he might as well have a good time. He spun and grabbed the girl behind him. "Mind if I have this dance?" The girl smiled back "Why no. Please do."

  Mike looked around not knowing who to pick. This was just annoying now that his so called Roland charm had left him. Now he had to be cautious of who he gets to dance with.

  He stepped back and bumped into someone mistakenly but before turning he did a silent prayer. He looked down and his eyes lowered. "Venus?"

  Venus straightened her hair before meeting his eyes. "Mike? How? What are you doing here?"

  "What are you doing here?" He asked "I'm here for...peace?"

  Venus frowned. "You're a terrible at lying, Mike, I'm here because I actually have a friend here who invited me. I know what you did to one of them, the dumbest thing you'll do is to come here. Tell the truth."

  Mike looked up at Vonn and Anna. If he started arguing it'll start bring him attention.

  "Look, Venus, are you somewhat angry at that stuff? I mean come on, you kinda leaned in first. Wasn't my fault the call came up."

  "What the hell are you bringing that up for?" She asked raising her voice a bit "That's an asshole move, if you want to talk we can talk for Christ sake!"

  Vonn looked up turning to the sudden voice across from him. He was expecting a girl but he saw a big guy in a suit and a mask that made him unrecognizable. At first he wanted to ignore him but by the hostile look in his eyes he figured it was one of Anna's bodyguards.

  Anna noticed Vonn's lack of concentration. "Is everything okay, Gerald?" "Yeah," he said as he turned to her "Let's move a bit."

  Mike had a hand on Venus' mouth, he looked up at Fred who had acted as cover for them by using his bulky body. "Thanks, mate."

  "Don't mention it." He told him "Anna and Vonn are moving away. Go deal with your current issue elsewhere. Wills said that he is getting the files downloaded now. After we can move."

  Mike nodded and dragged Venus somewhere in the halls. "Look, I'm here for something important. And I can't have them knowing I'm here. It's complicated."

  Venus placed a hand on her waist. "How come you're up to no good? I thought you changed after the whole Sidney incident?"

  "How is that your problem?" He asked back confused about how that just came up.

  "Well, don't shout at me." She snapped "You're the one who just brought up that stupid thing from the bar. I don't know why you'll do that. I'm being honest now."

  "I'm doing this for a good reason."

  She scoffed. "I doubt that."

  A door open and Mike recognized the voice that came to his ears. The meat head he beat up from Kim's birthday.

  "Fucking hell." This plan was not going smooth at all.

  He grabbed Venus and pulled her into the Janitor's closet and before she protested he covered her mouth again and told her to be quiet.

  "The computer room is locked down," the meat head said to someone "I don't know why though but I know the Janitor's closet is always open."

  Mike wanted to start cursing out loud at that sentence. What was taking Wills so long?

  "Yeah." A girl agreed "That thing is boring anyway. Let's open this place."

  Sweat began to roll down his head as he saw the door knob opening slowly. If he was spotted there'll be a problem. And there was literally no where to run to.

  The door knob suddenly stopped turning and Mike noticed the change in music to a current hip hop jam then Max's voice played out "Hello, Parken House! Isn't this a party or what?"

  The crowd responded with a cheerful roar and then the meat head said. "Hey, that's sounds like a party. Let's go."

  They left and Mike let out a sigh. "Thank God."

  "Mike," Wills said into the ear piece "Max is going to have to chill for a bit because of his plan. Owen and Fred are staying back with him to assure that he leaves without being discovered. You and I are going with a cab. I suggest we leave now."

  Mike looked at Venus. "Look, I'm sorry, but I have to go. I'll explain to you later. And if you want to talk to me we'll talk at school."

  He ran away from her and stopped outside. He turned left and spotted Wills who was waving at him and pointing at the cab. "Let's go."

  They stopped at Wills'place and they went through the videos picking the evidence from the files. As he finished he handed the CD to Mike "That's what you need. It's got the basics and the little things. Turns out it was on the scandal side of the school paper. The part teachers can't see. They're good, I'll give them that."

  Mike slid the CD into his pocket and nodded. "At least we got it. I'll give it to her tonight. It's just eight so I'm guessing she won't be sleeping, right?"

  Wills shrugged and adjusted his glasses. "I guess not."

  Mike approached the door to leave but Wills called him.
"Mate, just know when I say this I mean it to warn you. Don't get to attached to this girl...I'm just having a feeling something terrible will happen."

  Considering the fact that Wills was right almost all the time he took the words to heart. "Yeah. I guess I'll just keep my distance. We don't want to go through this again."

  The cab pulled up in front of the Levesique mansion and Mike simple walked up and rang the doorbell. He expected a Butler to answer him but as the door opened Anna stood there with her hair all ruffled up. Which took Mike by suprise.

  "Hey, Anna." He said uneasily as he stared at her.

  "What do you want?" She asked coldly and Mike pulled out the CD "I got something you'd want to watch. It's evidence that Vonn is an asshole."

  "What do you mean he's an asshole?" She snapped "At least he didn't ruin my night! I saw you running out of the school when the stupid uproar began because of your friend Max! I was bodied like a pinyata all over! And he had to carry me out of there!"

  Mike was stunned. He was certain no one followed him out of the school. How did she find out?

  He shook his head. It didn't matter. She needed to see this.

  "Anna, I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting you there but we all did that to get this to you. It'll prove that he's not what he is."

  "And who said I need your help?" She asked him "Who said I want any advice from you? I didn't ask you to destroy my night over a petty feud between you and him. So why don't you get out of here and run back to Sidney?!"

  Mike was silent. At that moment he was actually speechless once again. He had gone through all that to get this and now she was insulting him.

  "You know what?" He said finally fed up with her "Fine, you stay with that twisted son of a bitch and we'll see where you end up. I'm done being the nice guy. If you want to stay with him that's your problem. Just know there's a fine line between lust and love and we both know where you stand."

  He dropped the disc on the floor and turned away. "You keep it. I don't want it anymore."

  He stepped into the cab and told him to take him back home.

  He was done with helping her. If she got hurt at least she'll learn from it...or she might as well not come back from it.

  But as he stared up through the window at the star dotted sky one question did bother him through out the ride.

  Why was he doing this for her?

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