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  The speed at which Wills' knuckles dug into Mike's face was too fast for Mike to parry or block, so instead he slammed head first into the ground and his ears begun to ring immediately after.

  He looked up just in time for him to see Wills' foot coming down to his face, he rolled aside and quickly got to his feet in order to see Wills' face.
  Wills had his knuckles raised and his eyes piercing at those of Mike, and Mike was afraid because he knew at this point what he was seeing was his built up rage. "You son of a bitch."

  He growled and rushed at Mike but he side stepped quickly and landed a good punch on Wills face, "What the fuck is wrong with you?! You just burst in and start slamming me!"
  During his shouting he forgot that Wills had fast recovery time, he spun around and his knee hit his stomach forcing him to bend over then he drove an elbow into jaw before finally kicking him down to the ground.

  "She loves you! She thinks about you everyday! She believes in your fucked up words! She thinks she changed you! I fucking thought she changed you!"
  He bent over Mike and pulled him up by his collar in order to punch him again causing blood to fall out of his mouth. "We thought she brought out the best in you! You made her happy! Then what do you do when she's gone?! You suddenly go sleep with that bitch?!"

  At that sentence Mike found the force to hit Wills' nose with his forehead and then shove him off, "I do what I want when I want! You're not my damn father! You don't get to say anything!"
  Wills attempted to get up but Mike stomped his fingers with the bottom of his hard soles. "You don't have to care! I never asked you to! Go be with Kim! Let me be!"

  Wills saw the opportunity and pulled at Mike's feet making him drop down and hit the wall beside him, Wills didn't waste time, he quickly locked him down on his knees and began to deliver blows left and right screaming as well.

  "You're the asshole! You're the idiot! You never listen! You don't want to control yourself! How many years do I have to do this?! Watch over you! Like you're a damn child! And you already asked me to do this! Because I'm your best friend..."
  He stopped punching him and got up. "It's your fault. Don't blame anyone else for your mistakes because if you do you'll miss the lessons within those errors." A door opened and the butler stepped in with medical appliances, he faced Wills and asked,

  "I hope you got everything out of your system, Mr.Mortez?" Wills nodded slowly and continued to go for the exit. "Fix him up and let him understand what he's done. I'll keep everyone from coming or something. He doesn't leave."
  The butler did not argue with his orders, he understood that Wills was like an elder brother Mike never had. What he had done might have been extreme but maybe that what Mike needed. A beat down of some sort. And he knew Mike was wrong, Wills had explained everything to him so Patrick allowed Wills to do this.
  Wills closed the door and his footsteps echoed out of earshot, Patrick bent over Mike and begun to examine his beat up face carefully.

  Mike's eyes were opened but he seemed to stare into space not saying anything or complaining as his butler simply placed the bandages across his skin then carried him back to his room.

  "You might look at me as a mere servant," he told Mike as he stood by the door, "but I see you as the son I never had. Please rethink your decisions. For your sake." He closed the door and Mike dropped back on his  mattress.
  He was silent and so was his mind. Nothing to say, nothing to back up the fact he had done something wrong, something bad.

  In the name of love...

  Mike sighed and turned on the bed resting his head on the pillow in an attempt to soften the pain. He hadn't expected Wills to go all out on him all of a sudden. And he certainly he didn't know how he found out just the day after the situation. "He always had that upper hand on knowing everything even before I do."

  He sat up and looked to the door, his butler had sided with Wills in this matter and now he wasn't going to let him get his way. He didn't deserve it much but now it was a case of what he was going to do for all this thinking time.

  He got up from the bed and walked up to the drawer on his right, he looked through it and then landed his eyes on the book by the edge. He sat back on his bed and read the title.



  As the moon's light touched the window of Mike's room Patrick stepped in with a tray in his hand, "Your meal is here, young master." Mike didn't look up from his book, he just pointed to his table, "Just place it here."

  The butler placed it down then turned to exit, but before he left he informed him. "Ms.Kim is here to speak with you this time, sir." He stepped out and Kim walked in, she had her hair all packed up into a bun and her eyes hid behind tinted lenses.

  Mike was expecting a slap from the way she approached him but she simply sat opposite him but didn't look at him at all. "What are you reading?"

  Mike rose the cover and read it out, "Someone gave me it a long while ago. I didn't bother to read it...because I was stupid, arrogant, and irresponsible."

  "You still are." She told him as she folded her arms, "And you're lucky my boyfriend had beating you unless I would have done it." Mike rubbed his face whining at the bruise on his cheek. "I'm guessing that's true."

  Kim sighed, "Unfortunately, I'm going to fill in as the voice of reason as well as Anna's best friend." She turned to him staring him straight in the eye, "What you did was sickening and I hate you for it with all my heart for it. I hope you know that."

  Mike didn't reply to her statement so she continued.

  "But you also helped her in a sense, so I think you deserve that can still save this. Go and confess to her. Let her know your sorry." Mike set the book aside and then cursed.
  "Like how? Walk up and just tell her that I've cheated on your twi-."
  Her roar took him by surprise and he kept quiet seeing the intensity of her stare and the building tears under them.
  "Why would you do something like that?! And you're still trying to avoid the truth! You're a piece of shit, Mike! A piece of shit!" The door opened and Max appeared with his arms crossed and his gaze averting those of Mike's.

  "No need to shout, Kim. I know him...there's no use." He carried Kim out of the room as she cried into her palm but before he did he glared and Mike understood clearly.

  Fix this, Roland.

  Mike leaped off his bed and ran for the door ignoring the calls from Kim as he jumped down the stairs and snatched the Ferrari keys and hopped in.

  The engine came to life and the tires screeched as they propelled the vehicle forward down the road and he jerked the steering wheel right to drift before speeding. He knew where she was and he wasn't going to let this moment go."

  His car slowed down as he parked in front of Parken house high school and he simply ran. He didn't care. He didn't bother about the eyes looking at him. He just ran towards the court field knowing that she would be there just waiting...but he couldn't lie.
  At every step the glares closer to the doors they seemed to be filled with hate and disgust. He slammed the door open and at the top of his lungs he screamed at the top of his lungs. "ANNA!!!"

  She turned to him, her eyes widened but also stained with tears. Fresh tears. Mike didn't understand what was happening until he saw what everyone was looking up at with perplexed faces and stunned expressions.

  Playing on the wide screen was the sex from last night and standing next to the controls was Sidney with a devilish grin on her face and her tongue stuck out.

  Oh no...

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