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Mike felt it. That pain of resentment. That pain of going through this again. He hadn't seen Sidney for about a week since the incident. That'll be considered great if there wasn't the continuous problem of thinking.

What is she planning?

He scratched his chin as he stared into the mirror of his bathroom.

It could've been just sex...but...

He sighed and pulled away from the sink.

All of this thinking had troubled his mind. He had missed numerous outings and time with Anna all because he woke up in a hotel room naked.

He got out and threw on his clothes before stepping outside the mansion and getting into his car. He had no direct location for where he was heading to, he just wanted to clear his head.

Wills might know. He always had a knack for finding out the unexpected things. And he told Anna a lie too.
It made no sense to him.

Mike's Ferrari took a right turn and then Mike found himself slowing down as he passed the now empty mansion of the Levesique family. Anna had explained to him how that they were going to France for a short family meeting of royalty and not business.

That was two days ago and Mike didn't have the balls to see her off. The guilt was eating him up once more.

He clutched the fabric of his shirt.


He didn't want to do what he had done. And he didn't understand why he had done it. He was happy with Anna. He hadn't had this kind of connection with anyone else.

But at the moment it felt like the ceiling and walls were closing in on him. Finding it hard to breathe everytime Anna waved at him. His heart racing everytime she said she loved him over the phone and in person.

And tears forming everytime their lips touched.

He pressed the gas pedal and continued his driving with still no direction on his mind but he stopped by Starbucks and got something to drink. He leaned on his car and looked up to the clear skies, the sun has been shining but a piece of Mike wanted it to rain.

He shook his head and sipped from the coffee in his hand.

"Didn't expect to see you here, Roland."

Mike's jaw clenched as Vonn's voice reached his ears. He turned slowly but not completely to see him leaning on the opposite side of the car with his head lowered and his arms crossed on his chest.

"Same." Mike replied finally, "Why are you here?"

Vonn shrugged. "Looks like a good day for a walk, doesn't it? Wouldn't you like to have walked Anna out? Or would you have preferred to walk your bitch?"

Mike's eyes focused on him. "Halls isn't a-"

"I meant Sidney, Mike."

Mike lips were frozen. He didn't know what to say to him. So Vonn continued.

"I'm guessing something happened? You two argue? Why would you? Is she trying to hurt Anna? Are you trying to stop her from hurting Anna?" A grin appeared on his face, "Are you doing the right thing?"

Mike turned around but Vonn didn't. "What are you getting at? What are you saying?"

Vonn shook his head. "You don't answer questions with questions, Roland, I thought you'd know that." He got up from his leaning place and shoved his hands into his pockets. "Before our current situation of Anna there was something I told you about me and life."

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