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To say the week after that was easy is an understatement.
That Monday the magazine which Mike and Anna modelled for came out and immediately they both got swarmed. Those close the chances to put the relationship out there.

  Although it wasn't certainly a relationship. The moment after the kiss Anna had chased Mike out of the house. Completely flustered but loving every second of it.

  That week they couldn't form a conversation without blushing or just staring into each other's eyes.

  So it wasn't easy at all.

  So what are best friends for?

  Mike was just staring down at his phone. Anna and him had been chatting since once they saw one another they found it hard to talk.

  Well, I'm guessing this was inevitable.

  Mike hadn't felt this way for a long time. Even with Sidney it hadn't felt like this. Special and nice.

  Every girl had called Mike including Sidney but he had cut them off. The only problem was he hadn't exactly told them why.

  He sighed and leaned his head back. To make this relationship public was kinda hard but he knew it would eventually come out.

  The library door opened and Kim walked in. "Hey, Mike, got a minute?"

  Mike nodded. "Done with the project they gave me earlier so yeah I'm free."

  She sat opposite him and adjusted her glasses. "So, I'm happy to hear you two finally made up."

  Mike scratched his head uneasily. "Putting it in those words might be kinda strong don't you think?"

  She frowned. "So you don't like what happened?"

  His cheeks turned red. "I didn't say I didn't!"

  "It's hard, isn't it?"

  "Yeah. It is."

  She patted his head noticing how down he looked. "It's a natural thing. She too is also...confused?"

  Mike looked up "That's a good way to put it." "But that's good." Kim told him. "I mean, it's nice isn't it? Falling in love again."

  I definitely needed it again.

  Mike nodded slowly. "Yeah, it is to be honest. But putting it publicly is a problem. You know some of these girls are loco."

  Kim nodded understanding the situation. "I know. And that part is actually your fault for continuously being a dick and reeling them in for fun."

  Mike wished to defend himself but he realized she was actually right.

  She sighed. "Anyways, aside from that, I'm thinking of you two coming over for that camping stuff in Wills'garage with Anna. You two up to it?"

  Mike had almost forgotten about that plan.

  "I haven't spoken to her over that thing." He told Kim "But I'm sure she'll be good with it."

  Kim shook her head. "No, no, no. Mike, what's the best way to ask a girl a question?"

  Mike sighed. "In person."

  "Good. She's in the abandoned classroom downstairs doing some work with Daisy. You can meet her there."

  Mike sensed something off about that sentence. "Why that classroom? Literally nobody goes in that direction any more. Not even Kebash."

  "They're there because for exactly that reason." Kim explained "They got a project on light so the lighting and silence of the classroom helps with it a lot. Now go along."

  Mike didn't see the use of pushing the questions further so he got up and found his way to the class.

  Outside the classroom Max leaned against the door with his eyes down on his phone. "Hey, mate, she's inside by the way." Mike nodded and walked in to see Anna and Daisy sitting on the tables.

  "Ah, you're here." Daisy said, "I guess you guys need a second." She got up and walked to the door "We'll be right here."

NAs she stepped out Mike turned to Anna but the confused expression on her face made him also confused. "What?"

  "What are you doing here?" She asked.

  Mike scratched the back of his head feeling uncomfortable by the question. "I'm just here to talk to you. Kim told me that you and Dai-."

  Wait a second.

  He spun to face the door but they had suddenly slammed closed and the sound of the lock echoed in the room.
Daisy and Anna didn't take the same class.

  They've just been played.

  Mike cursed as he just found a chair to sit on. He hadn't expected it but he knew something was up at that moment in the library.

  Anna sighed and sat on the desk beside him. "They really got us."

  Mike looked up at the ceiling. "At least the lights still work."

  The lights flickered off.

  Son of a motherfucking asshole.

  Anna reached for her bag. "Don't worry. We have our-"
She paused as she began to feel her pockets then she realized it and so did Mike.

  They had picked their phones while they weren't looking.

  "I've been pranked before," Mike said trying to see her "but I have to say Max really out did himself this time."
"Had this happened to you with anyone?" Anna asked and Mike shook his head. "No. Never before..."
  This was so well planned.

  Because of their recent problem they had noticed the awkward void between them. They had probably done this in hope of fixing it.

  But this to Mike was kind of rash.

  "You'll think they'll hear if I scream?" Anna suggested but Mike didn't feel the idea. "Nope. Let's just wait them to stop the joke."

  They sat there in silence and darkness for some period of time. Then a sentence that Mike had actually never expected in these conditions came up.

  "What am I to you, Mike?"

  Mike felt like the silence of the room caused the question to carry a kind of force within it.

  "Anna," he whispered as he tried to find his voice. "Exactly what do you mean?"

  Anna shrugged. "I don't know. I thought it would just be a question that will eventually come up. I mean, all we did was kiss but I'm wandering whether it has any effect on you. I know kissing to you is or was a normal thing."

  Why does she have to be right?

  Mike couldn't answer at first. It's not like it was normal. It did carry something.

  He patted his lap. "Come over here for a second."

  Anna didn't hesitate, she climbed on and rested his head on her chest. Her hair definitely smelled like flowers and although it was really strong Mike buried his head in it and they just stayed there.

  He couldn't explain how that kiss felt but he knew she was different. Better for him.

  Too good for me...

  Anna's fingers curled around his chin. "You're cute when you're confused."

  Mike smirked. "Like that time in the amusement park? I've never been so surprised in my life. Considering it was you."

  Anna smiled. "But I got you, didn't I?"

  Mike pressed her hand to his fast beating heart. "Does that answer your question."

  They kissed and now she didn't chase him out or they weren't looking away. They chuckled and they would have continued...if the windows didn't open to show everyone in school staring at them with wide eyes.

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