Chapter 3 ~ Into the Redwoods

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We had made it to the bridge and had walked halfway across the bridge. I was hoping it wouldn't rain on us as the clouds seemed to gather above us. I felt my precious cargo shiver again as the wind picked up. Wrapping my arms tighter around the baby bonobo laying against my chest to keep him warm as best as I could. He hooted at me and looked up meeting eyes with me before snuggling again. His bright green eyes still surprised me as they just turned that color a few days ago as he matured. He was still small but, seemed more alert and vocal as the days passed by. I had decided to name him Kovu after the male lion on Lion King 2. I remember watching the movie as a child and loving the green color of his eyes. The name was also unique just like my precious baby.

" It's ok Kovu, we are almost there.", I cooed as I continued walking at a brisk pace fighting with the cold wind as it tried to drag me to the side of the bridge. We were slowly getting closer to the woods. I can't wait to get out of this wind. I shivered and went on. The sooner I got there the better.

I had finally reached the end of the bridge. I found a small clearing with a hollow tree. It created the perfect place to keep dry if it decided to rain. More importantly, it kept the wind at bay. Quickly gathering a few branches I made a small fire in the center of our shelter. Making a nest of sorts from the bedding, I fed and changed Kovu before laying him on it. Satisfied that he was warm, I walked outside and grabbed enough wood for the night. The hollow was a perfect shelter but, I wanted to be closer to a river for water and farther into the woods for safety. So tonight we would stay here and find a better location in the morning. Kovu stirred in his bedding until he could see me. He watched me as I moved about. It was a little eerie to see such intelligent eyes on an ape. After gathering wood, I sat near the opening of the tree and to keep watch. At that moment it started to rain. Closing my eyes I thanked whatever God that took pity on me and waited for me to cross the bridge before letting it pour. " Maybe it was Thor? ", I said looking at Kovu with a smile. He just stared back at me with those beautiful emerald orbs of his curiously. I picked him up kissing his forehead as he hooted happily for the attention. We played a game of peek a boo. He would grab my nose every time I revealed my face from my hands. We played until he started to yawn and rub his eyes sleepily. Changing him and making a bottle for him to drink while he drifted or to sleep I ate a can of mixed fruit and a piece of jerky. I got ready for bed and put a few extra logs on the fire for the night. With how hard it was raining it would be stupid for something to be outside in it instead of taking shelter. So I wasn't worried about keeping watch. I was a light sleeper anyway so we would be ok, I hoped. Curling my body protectively around Kovu I fell into a light sleep while listening to the drumming of the rain.

The rain had stopped overnight but, it was still dreary in the morning. After a quick breakfast packing, Kovu and I headed into the woods. I made sure to wrap him up with an extra blanket for warmth from head to toe, before putting him in the harness against my chest and zipped the hoodie to give him an extra layer of warmth. The black hoodie I was wearing was a size or two big but, I liked how I could cover my hands with the sleeves. It was like a warm pair of gloves. Slipping the supplies on my back I walked while I pulled the hood over my head covering me from the elements.

Heading deeper into the woods I listened intently for the sound of running water. It was eerily quiet, nothing but the sound of my feet surrounded us. I pulled the pistol from it's holster against my thigh. I kept quiet as a mouse as I looked and listened for any danger. I felt a tingle of fear run up my back as we walked along. My brain had nicely sent me images of wild animals like wolves, mountain lions, or tigers attacking us.
"Tigers....really? As if we would find tigers here..huh Kovu?", I rolled my eyes at my thoughts. At least with a gun now I could be a little more proteced than a knife. I kept searching for a water source.


*Ape scout*
Scouting through the forest searching for deer to hunt, Little Creek noticed a peculiar looking thing moving in the distance. Since he was in charge of finding the herd to hunt, he figured it wouldn't hurt to see what it was. Just in case it was a danger.

Jumping and swinging from tree to tree the young chimp silently moved closer to whatever caught his eye. When he got close enough to see what it was he almost let go of the branch he was swinging from. Saving himself at the last second he pulled himself up to sit on the branch as he watched. Is that a human?, He wondered. He would have missed it if it wasn't for the green bag on it's back. It was a brighter green than the surrounding forest. He couldn't see it's face because of some cloth covering it. From head to toe, it was covered in dark clothes. It was also pretty fat, judging by the big round belly it had. For such a fat creature, Little Creek was amazed at how quietly it moved. Chuffing in amusement, he watched it worked its way through the trees and shrubs in its path. Something reflective caught his eye and Little Creek noticed that it was holding a weapon. Gun! He thought fearfully as big and long as half the human's arm. He had to tell Caesar that there was a human in the woods. It had a gun, and those were very dangerous in the hands of man. Turning around he made his way back to the colony to warn his King.

*End of Little Creek's Pov*


It was still cloudy and slightly rainy by the time I found a river. Judging by my internal clock, it had to be midday or close to it. Time was one of those things that no longer needed to exist in this day and age. It was pointless to keep time when you were too busy surviving to see another day. It was still chilly and apparently too chilly for Kovu. He had woken up earlier and maneuvered himself to peek out from my hoodie but, only looked around for a few moments before cuddling back into the warmth surrounding him.

Now that I found a water source I walked along the river to see if I could find a dry and clear area, I could make a shelter for us. Or at least something temporary before it became too dark. Who know what was lurking in these woods.


"Koba!" , Turning to the sound of his name, Koba noticed Little Creek up high before climbing down to join his hunting group on the forest floor.
"Where is Caesar? I must speak with him!", Little Creek signed.
"What is wrong? Why need Caesar?" Koba signed back.
"Human! In woods! Has gun!" Said Little Creek. Koba tensed as soon as he heard the word human. Immediately he was filled with hate as memories of his abuse from the humans tried to rise to the surface of his mind. Shaking his head from his dark memories he pointed in the direction he last saw Caesar's hunting group. As Little Creek hurried on the direction he pointed to, Koba went the opposite way. If there was a human in the apes home he would kill it himself before Caesar could find it. Grabbing a spear he climbed a tree and went on his hunt...


I hope you like this chapter. I'll update when I can.


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