Chapter 12 ~Fear and Pain

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Serena rushed to Kovu's side, tears running down her cheeks as she feared what she would see. She choked on a sob as her eyes saw the scene before her. Kovu lay there motionless, his small chest and face covered in blood. Claw marks ran from the right side of his face to the left side of his lower torso. The wounds bled but, were slowly clotting as she stared. She let out a moan of pain and agony as she wrapped her arms around the small form. She pulled Kovu's limp body to her chest burying his head into her neck as she cried profusely. She flinched when she felt a hand land on her uninjured shoulder. She looked up to the sad eye of Koba and not even hesitating she leaned her forehead on his chest in comfort as she still clutched Kovu between them. Koba seemed to hesitate for a second before he wrapped his arms around her. Not caring that the other apes watched as they slowly surrounded the human female. Some apes reaching out to place a hand on her in comfort. All mourning the loss of the young one. Serena felt numb from the pain and everything around her. She tried seeking comfort from Koba but, it seemed in vain. Her baby was dead. The reason for her living and continued existence from this cruel world was gone. She had made a promise to his mother to take care of him. She had failed her and Kovu. She had failed herself.

As her thoughts sunk deeper and deeper into darkness, Serena almost missed the feeling of a small hand touch her cheek. She froze and stopped breathing, almost not wanting to look down at the young body in case her mind was playing tricks on her. Holding her breath she leaned back from Koba, making him release his hold around her. Looking down she was met with small green eyes staring at her in pain and wonder. Tears started to pour down her cheeks again as her heart filled with happiness. "K..Kovu." She whispered not believing her eyes for a second. Koba looked down and was startled to see the young ape alive. He shrieked into command as he ordered healers to come forward. Ivy reached for Kovu first meeting Serena's gaze as she gently took Kovu from her. Koba never let her uninjured shoulder go as his silent way of comforting her. Thankfully the group of females had a few healers. They did what they could do to stop the bleeding and in as gently as possible healers and guards rushed Kovu back to the colony for better treatment of his wounds. Koba kept her seated on her knees as she tried to rush to stand and go after them. She was going to protest but, went silent at his pleading gaze. He met her eyes then looked down at her injured shoulder. She had almost forgotten about the pain and that she was injured in the first place. Ivy came forward and tried to stop the bleeding in her should with moss and tied it down with some hide. Once that was done Koba swept her into his arms as gently as possible and soon they were on there way back to the colony with the rest of the group of females and guards. Koba had signed something to one of the guards but Serena missed it as the adrenaline slowly faded away. She soon fell into a deep sleep as her body gave out from the rush of pain and stress it had endured.


Koba had heard her screams while on the hunt. Before anyone could wonder what it was or where it came from Koba had rushed into the woods moving quickly towards where he knew the group of females were.

He knew that scream was Serena. His heart thudded in his chest as he feared the worse. When he came to the scene he almost felt his heart stop when he saw the large black cat on his Kovu. He shrieked in anger barreling into the cat. It barely had a chance to defend his self as he grabbed its jaws. The same thing that would have crushed the poor apes head if he hadn't had come sooner. His blood burned with anger and adrenaline, as he pulled the mouth apart the cats yowls defening his ears. He didnt stop when he felt the jaws pop apart, he didn't stop when the cat went limp in his hands, he finally deemed it dead when he punched the beast in the face a few times waiting for it to move.

He looked over his shoulder towards the group of guards looking at him dumbly, he was a bit angered by the way they were just standing there. He wasn't looking for them though as his eyes finally met the pained orbs of the human female. Her shoulder was a mangled mess of ripped flesh and blood. Some white of bone was peaking through the crimson. Before he could turn to Kovu and check on him she scrambled to her hands and knees makeing her wounds bleed more profusuely as she reached for the young ape.

Her cry of agony broke his heart. He slowly made his way towards her and Kovu. Not wanting to see the young child dead and broken. It reminded him of how he saw his mother die at the hands of their drunk caretaker.

He was surprised when she laid her head on his chest. It made his heart react. Beating faster with her nearness. He hated to see her like this in pain. He felt the loss of the young ape as well. He had grown found of his curiosity and endless questions. It was almost like having his own son.

He hadn't realized how important these two had become to him. He had let his stubborn pride get in the way. He had hated Serena just because she was human yet she had done nothing to him but, be kind. Her smiles to him always warming his heart and melting his anger. Kovu had opened a new door to him. He was given the chance to observe how it was to be a father. He had never found mate. The females of his kind too scared of him or his appearance to approach him.

When Blue eyes was born, Koba had witnessed the joys of Parenthood for his brother. He had felt a small ache in his heart because he would never experience that.

He had lost his chance because he could not save Kovu from the cat.
All he had left was Serena. He wouldn't make the same mistake again he vowed as he wrapped his arms around her. As they mourned the loss of their son.


By the time Ceasar and the rest of the males had arrived, Koba had rounded up the group and was heading back. His nose picked up the scent of fresh blood and worried he jumped of his horse and rushed to the closest guard that was part of the female group.

"What happened? " he rushed out.

The large gorilla bowed his head in respect and quickly signed the events that has transpired.

Ceasar rushed to his brother before the guard could finish.

He ran up to Koba's side and saw the limp female in his brothers arms. Motioning for Koba's horse he stopped his brother with a hand on his shoulder. Both green eyes meeting one another. One worried but commanding the other filled with anger and pain.

"Take horse. Quicker" Ceasar merely said. Koba nodded and while Ceasar held the unconscious female. Koba jumped on the giant horses back. As soon as Serena was passed Koba had his horse run to the colony. The apes leaping out of his way.

Ceasar sighed as he watched him leave. This was not what he had hoped for Koba. He had wanted his brother to be happy. Not in pain and to lose maybe both of the ones he cared about.

Jumping on his horse, Ceasar led his people back to the colony. There was nothing he could do but, trust in his healers and comfort his brother if Koba allowed it.


Before his horse could make a full stop in front of the healed hut. Koba had already jumped off, grateful that Serena was unconscious. Otherwise she would have been in pain from the rough landing.

He rushed her in the hut and soon was surrounded by healers, she was taken from his arms. When a healer had removed her makeshift bandage. He was reminded how deep the wound was. It bled profusely as the head healer looked over it.

Once done seeing the damage she slathered a putrid green smelling ointment on her wounds. Than using moss to try to stop the bleeding and animal hide to bind them against her shoulder.

She will need rest. The head healer signed. Koba sighed impatiently but, knew they could not do anything more but, let her body heal itself.

Where is Kovu? He signed. She led him to a separate room. Where Kovu laid, his chest and half his face bandaged.
He lost so much blood. Not sure if he will make it through the night. The claws did not pierce any organs or his eye. Just deep skin wounds. The healer signed sadly. Koba could tell she was right. He did look a little paler than normal. He decided to sit with Kovu. He knew Serena would make it. She was strong. So he would watch Kovu for the night. He didn't know what he would do if the little one passed away. Or what he would tell Serena. He sighed, as his past memories haunted him.

Have a great weekend everyone!


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