Chapter 8 ~ It's getting Colder!

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Time seemed to just pass by and the only reason I had noticed any difference was because of the cooling temperature and the change in the forest. The leave was starting to redden. I had been helping the female apes prepare for the winter. We smoked and preserved fish and meat storing them in air tight baskets to keep.

Then in a cave near the colony, we stored the extra food. The cool deep cave acted like a cooler. Caesar had explained to me that they preserved as much food as possible in case hunting was scarce and the garden froze over. The orangutans could only eat vegetation and fruit so we also dried fruit in the sun for them. The healers were also storing herbs and other plants up for the winter. Drying them and hanging them up high in the healer's hut or storing them. The horses were allowed to roam free and fatten up in a valley. They were guarded closely though to prevent any predators from eating them.

Apparently, Maurice and Cornelia had the same idea to fatten me up. It seemed like they made sure to give me large portions and watched me eat every bite. Even Koba seemed to want to help fatten me up. The first time he came up to me with food I was in the middle of helping groom the horses. He had walked up to me silently and had a bright red apple in his palm. I had taken it and assumed it was for the horse. Grabbing my wrist he gently took it away from range of the horse. I looked at him confused, wondering what he was doing. I looked up at him and met his eye. 

As soon as he had my attention he spoke. " No. You Eat. " He said pushing the apple towards me. As soon as he saw me nod in understanding he stalked off not looking back. The horse I was currently grooming huffed in confusion as well as we watched One Eye walk off. Patting the horse on his muzzle I took a small bite of the apple before feeding him the rest. I was starting to have a soft spot for the grumpy ape. 


 I was curled up with Kovu under pelts to keep warm. It had been raining all night again and gave the air a bit of a chill. It was still a bit away for winter though so it wasn't too bad.   

Kovu stirred awake yawning cutely and rubbing his eyes to wake up. Feeling his movement next to me I woke up. I was always a light sleeper so I was instantly aware of his movement.

"Good morning" I cooed kissing him on the forehead. He hooted happily and signed his good morning to me. Wrapping my arms around him, we snuggled a bit longer, reluctant to get out of our nest of warmth. We were both hungry though so we got up. Kovu had grown a bit since we have been here. He was now the size of a toddler. He was still small enough to carry though which I tried to do as often as possible. He was growing up so fast and soon he would be too big to carry.

 I had "grown" as well. My body filled out from the lost weight I had gone thru the years. Because of the way my body was genetical. My hips and thighs fattened up giving me a pear shape. It had made it difficult fitting in the few pair of jeans I had managed to find because of my fat ass. So since I could no longer fit in my jeans I had made what I called my Wild Jane clothing line. I had fashioned a few pelts into loincloths for me or skirts if I had enough hide.

 I had been wanting to go hunting so I could help out with the colony more and maybe obtain more pelts to make clothing for the winter. So far I was not allowed to join just yet. I had no skill and could barely fish as is. Caesar said he would be willing to show me how to hunt along with Blue eyes when he was old enough. So, for now, I tried to be patient.

I dressed in a knee length skirt I made out of deer hide and a  T-shirt several sizes too big. Putting my large black hoodie on I zipped Kovu up in front. He no longer fit in the baby carrier but, didn't have an issue latching himself to me.

We walked out of our hut and headed toward Caesar and his family. Already there were two bowls filled with fruit and meat next to Cornelia. She and Caesar looked out for us a lot, which I appreciated.  Signing and saying good morning to the King and Queen I nodded to them respectfully before seating myself next to Cornelia. Kovu popped his head out of the hoodie startling Blue eyes who had just come up to greet me good morning.  We all laughed at his reaction. Blue eyes seated himself next to his father embarrassed but, didn't seem to worry about it too much laughing at himself.

Kovu refused to leave my hoodie so I ended up feeding him by handing him a piece of fruit or meat and he would take it to munch covered in the hoodie. 

It's not even as cold as it will get during the winter. Caesar signed. 

"I know, but he gets it from me, I can't stand the cold. I was born and raised in a warmer climate before I moved here." I said smiling.

Caesar smiled and shook his head in disbelief before resuming breakfast. Because it was raining it was a bit of a lazy day for everyone. There was no hunting needed to be done at the moment and the weather prevented any apelings from focusing on lessons so pretty much the day was spent relaxing. Kovu was reluctant to play in the light drizzle but, after seeing, the other youngsters play around he soon joined them. Gorillas, bonobos, orangutans, and chimp children were all playing together. it was cute to watch.

 I sat under the cover of a large tree as I watched him play. Maurice had joined me under the tree. I had grown a soft spot for the orange ape. He seemed to keep an eye out for Kovu and I. Especially me. He had explained to me his past as a circus ape yet, he never asked me any questions about mine. Which I was grateful for. He taught me a lot more than just ASL. When I was wanting out of the village he would join me and teach me to read tracks and what was edible and what was not. He had made me a spear for me since the ones for the other apes were too long and heavy for me. After that, we had gone fishing a few times. Sometimes joined by Ash and Blue Eyes. 

At first, I was suspicious of his intentions because I was not used to kindness given to me without wanting something in return. He never did though and never seemed to expect anything from me. In a way, I considered him a close friend almost like what a grandfather I would want.

Seeing me shiver he seated himself a little closer to me and not ashamed of it I cuddled into his side for warmth. He looked at me amused before resuming our watch of the children. 

The apelings were playing a game similar to basketball in a way. One of the adult chimps had made a sort of ball out of leather. It was the size of a softball. The apeling had slipped into 2 groups and would try to throw the ball into the opposite team's baskets. These were simply baskets that were broken but perfect for play.

My little Kovu was great at it. Since he was smaller than most of the children he was quicker and harder to block. He was just making his way to the basket when he was intercepted by a gorilla child name Luna. She tried grabbing the ball out of his hands and out of desperation Kovu threw the ball over her head hoping to make it in or have one of his teammates grab it. It missed his intended target by a long shot. 

 It went silent when the ball made a small thud against the back of Koba's head. All the children froze in horror as the scene unfolded. I even had to remind myself how to breathe. Koba turned glaring holes at any of the children he saw. they ran and hid as he got onto his fours and turned to see who the culprit was. Kovu was the only one left after that. He seemed scared but, slowly walked to Koba on all fours with his head held down. I panicked and tried to stand so I could protect my baby. Maurice though puts a hand on my shoulder and gently sat me back down. Looking at him he signed saying to wait.

Kovu bowed his head as he signed his apology to Koba. Time seemed to still as Koba looked down at the young bonobo. He didn't seem too happy about getting thunked in the head with a ball but, as I watched he sat down and using his hand gently raised Kovu's chin to look at him. When their eyes met I was amazed to see Koba give him a smile before handing him the leather ball. 

"Careful next time." Koba gruff voice said before turning and heading off to the direction of his hut.

As soon as the coast was clear the children came out from hiding and resumed to play as if nothing happened.

Maurice and I looked at one another in shock. Maurice knew Koba would not harm an ape but, he was surprised to see the way Koba reacted to Kovu. I was actually taken back by Koba's reaction. I'm glad he didn't get angry or do anything mean to Kovu. I would have to thank him later. 


I hope everyone has a great week!

Also please check out my new fanfic! I plan on writing more fics for Koba so keep an eye out!


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