Chapter I

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  "Look out!" someone yelled from behind the human Jedi. 

Swerving, Anera Noli blocked the deadly bolt of stray fire that sped towards her with her lightsaber. Anera stood to face the pile of rubble and debris that had once been a LAAT. She let the Force flow through her as she concentrated on lifting the ship from the ground. Groaning loudly, as if it had rested there for a thousand years, the shuttle lifted and Anera set it down carefully nearby her. The crater under the ship resembled a cavern, and bodies were scattered everywhere.

"Asher! Get some men in there!" she ordered a clone commander.

Asher nodded and gestured in the direction of his men.

"Trap, Patch, Chaser, with me!" he called.

The troopers ran towards Asher and the Jedi. The five entered the crater that the ship had left and searched through the debris-littered cave. Anera Noli knelt down by a fallen clone trooper and found that he was still breathing.

"Patch!" she called, her shortly-trimmed blonde hair waving as she looked up.

The medic rushed over. Once the trooper was in Patch's care, Anera continued her search.

After assisting Chaser pull a pilot from the wreckage, the Jedi heard Trap call for her, "General! I think you're going to want to see this."

Anera was shocked when she saw the clone that lay in front of Trap. What surprised her was not the ghostly expression on his unmasked face, or even how he looked the same as his other clone brothers, but rather the way he had died.

"But that's not possible..." she trailed off.

The Jedi blinked, as if it would somehow change the image in front of her. She knelt beside Trap.

"No," her voice trembled.

The wounds of the dead trooper were not the mere holes that blasters make; they were the charred cuts of a lightsaber. Trap nodded knowingly; Anera shook her head in disbelief.

"You know what this means General." he said.

"I have to contact Master Yoda," Anera murmured and stood up.

"General...-" Trap began.

Anera Noli swung around to face the trooper.

"This means that we have a rogue Jedi on our hands."

* * *

Master Yoda stood next to Mace Windu in the Temple Communication Center. Mace faced the elder Jedi.

"Have we heard from Master Noli yet?" he asked.

Yoda shook his head.

"Tried, we have to contact Master Anera on Siskeen, succeeded we have not."

Windu sighed. Suddenly, the holoprojector behind the two flickered to life and the image of a female, human Jedi appeared.

"Master Yoda-" the Jedi cried.

A loud explosion sounded from the other end. The image blurred and the sound cut on and off.

"Master Anera," Mace Windu said leaning over the holoprojector, "We're losing your transmission."

The image cleared.

"We've found something, rather someone, that ...I t-think yo- should-d see..." Anera said, her blue eyes darting back and forth between the two Masters.

There was no longer any sound, but they watched as the Jedi Knight continued to talk franticly on the other end. Then the sound jumped back on, and Anera's voice was heard again.

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