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Liam watched as the emergency medical technician worked quietly. Their youngest curly haired teen had finally slipped into unconsciousness once more, lying terrifyingly still. A young nurse, who had introduced herself as the Critical Care Registered nurse, sat next to him holding Harry's hand and letting the technicians do their job.

His clothes dripped on the metal floor, reminding him that on top of everything else they played a dangerous game with the brewing weather outside.

The sirens of the van wailed, creating a surreal atmosphere as the vehicle flew through the slowly depleting traffic. If he listened close enough, Liam could barely make out the police siren that followed close behind with Louis and the continued roll of thunder.

To think a mere hour ago he had been peacefully sleeping in his bunk.

It was then, that Harry's body began to convulse. Each muscle that the young teen had began to tense and loosen uncontrollably, sending his weakened form into violent spasms.

The sight was downright horrifying.

"Can't you do anything?" Liam demanded, watching as they helped him onto his side, but did nothing to restrain him.

"If I try to restrain him, we risk causing more damage. The best I can do right now is put him on his side so that he doesn't choke on his own saliva."

After a little over a minute, Harry finally stopped, lying still once more.

"He's slipping into Hypovolemic Shock," The young woman suddenly called up to the driver urgently. Liam felt sick as he could do nothing but watch as the youngest lips began to turn blue and his skin profusely began to sweat. She had already elevated Harry's feet up, keeping his head to the side so he wouldn't choke still.

"ETA less than a minute,"

Liam clutched the lad's hand harder.

Zayn had a bad habit of biting his nails, but as he curled up in a local motel room on the first floor, his nails began to diminish a lot faster than normal. As soon as Paul had arrived at the tour bus, he had made immediate arrangements to have him moved to a safer location than the tour bus till the warning was over.

Paul then left with the police to continue the search for Niall.

Therefore, Zayn was alone, as he often was.

This time however, he did not welcome the peace and quiet. He just clutched his hoodie closer around him as he seated himself in the empty tub, clutching his mobile device to his chest. A panic attack on the rise.

The shrill sound of his ringtone going off sent Zayn nearly flying out of the safe little nest he had built himself. Fumbling, he brought the screen to his face to see Louis' name and number flash across the screen.

"Louis?" He demanded the second he connected the call.

The sound of police sirens filled the tiny bathroom he was in, and the teen's stomach took a swan dive.

"Zayn, man, are you safe?"

"I'm fine, Paul got me, moved me to a local motel. It's the closest place nearby. Did you find him? What's going on?"

Louis let out a strangled sigh, before slowly beginning to talk.

"I hate to tell you this over the phone, but given the circumstances, I don't have the choice. Harry, Liam and I are being rushed to the hospital. Harry stepped in an animal trap, we don't know what happened, we found him already on the ground struggling to get out and stay conscious. Zayn...he...he looked bad. By the time Liam and I found him he had lost a good amount of blood. I wish I could tell you more, but Liam took the ride in the ambulance and he's not responding right now."

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