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Security gathered at the front doors as the boys huddled around the exit. October was beginning to come to a close, meaning the November air slipped past them every time someone entered or left the hospital.

It also meant that it got dark a lot earlier in the evening.

It had taken some time to get everything organized enough for them to make a public appearance. Initially, there had been management team members that wanted to come in and style their looks for the specific mood, but the three had fought against it.

If they were going to make themselves seen by the world, then they were going to be genuine in this hour.

They were sick, they weren't sleeping and they were stressed.

How dare they try to pretend otherwise?

As the clock struck seven, night had officially fallen. From what Louis could see through the crowd, candles had been lit and melting as the chilly air fell upon them.

"Let's try to keep this short, alright boys?" Paul asked gently. "It's supposed to start raining again soon, and we don't need the other two of you getting sick."

The bodyguard obviously had other concerns, but the three singers got the message that was intended behind the words.

And so, hugging close to one another, the three stars stepped out into the night air to finally get their first up close look at the crowd that had formed outside of the hospital.

It was eerie.

Louis looked upon the faces that stood across the sea of security to see nothing but emotionless expressions within the mass. It was quiet enough that he could even hear the whistling of the wind through the wind breakers that the cops were wearing.

Sniffling, he took the first tentative step forward towards the girls that stood nearest to him. One, a small pre-teen girl with blonde frizzy hair was holding a sign with addition to her candle.

Alive. Strong.

He could hear the whispering going mad throughout the people standing before them. A stunned air taking a hold as the group got a good look at the trio. No doubt they hadn't expected to see how much pain they were all truly going through.

A few phones were raised, obviously recording, but Louis was surprised when there was no flashing of cameras. Security must have requested those here not to blind them with the flash. It would seem even the paparazzi, even to the Doncaster lad's surprise, were respecting that request.

"Hello," He smiled weakly, attempting to stay warm as he squatted a bit to reach the young girl's height.

The singer was taken aback as she launched herself into his arms, holding the candle out so it wouldn't light the two of them on fire.

Biting his lip, he looked up to see several of the girls in the vicinity in tears or looking on the way to be. Zayn and Liam too had made their way into the crowd, carefully watched by their security as they got deeper and deeper into the silence. No one seemed willing to break the quietness.

The small girl pulled away and Louis kept walking, sniffling some more before he had to finally stop and cough forcefully into the crook of his arm.

The oldest could see the alarm in their fan's faces but choose instead to act as if nothing had happened and continued to shake hands and nod with the others.

There were several Niall posters scattered about the place. All of them positive, something Louis was sure would make their Irish member cry had he seen the love and support that was cultivating.

"Where's Harry?"

Louis jumped as he turned to see a little toddler with widening eyes trailing behind him.

Looking towards the older woman who accompanied the girl, he received silent permission as he swopped up the five year old into his hold and looked upon the eager faces that were around him.

He could even see the paps leaning forward with their microphones attempting to get a sound byte from him.

"On the night Niall went," He cleared his throat, realizing he sounded incredibly hoarse. "Missing. Harry was in an unfortunate incident that left him hospitalized."

Louis knew he wasn't good at sugar-coated words. He was terrible at giving media trained responses when under pressure, even under the nicest circumstances. But he would try to be delicate.

"He's recovering well," He reassured, noting the level of rising panic and emotion. "And should be released soon, but in the mean time, he is taking every moment he can to recover safely and quickly under the best care. He thanks every single one of you who are here for Niall and is very upset that he can't come in person to tell you that himself."

His throat seemed to close up as he choked a little, attempting not to let out a sob as he realized he was trying not to cry. He simply cleared his throat once more and readjusted his weight with the young toddler in hand and began once more.

"We also want to thank everyone who has been helping us search for our missing brother. It's been a very difficult time and your support has been much appreciated."

He ended by smiling at the young girl who looked at him with a wavering frown.

He could hear the paps' cameras clicking and several making remarks on their voice recorders. Some fans phones continued to record as he made his way through the flood with security high on his tail back to the other boys.

That's when the silence broke.

"Louis! How are you and the other boys taking the situation?"

"What happened to Harry?"

"How did Niall go missing?"

"Louis, are you sick?"

Louis reached out and grabbed onto Liam's sleeve, blindly reaching out to grab Zayn as he passed. His vision was beginning to become blurred, whether it be from the cold or actual tears he wasn't sure.

The three boys clung to each other as the crowd become more restless with paps attempting to get through to get their interview and fans starting to rile up in their defense.

Security was on them in seconds, making a path through the thick of it to get them safely back inside of the building. Louis was afraid a riot would break out, but the police seemed more focused on getting the paparazzi out of the picture so their fans could continue to stay in their vigil.

He could see the sympathy and pain in many of their faces as the boys pushed through.

He was just about to make his way back into the doors when the same young girl who had hugged him grabbed his attention once more.

"Can you give this to Harry?" She asked softly, handing him a small little stuffed bear holding a heart in his paws. "I want him to know that it's okay to take time to get better, and he shouldn't feel guilty."

Louis accepted the small stuffed toy in his hands, feeling the security guard behind him hive him a gentle push to move along.

"Of course I will, sweetheart," He affirmed, looking over his shoulder at her.

"We'll find Niall!" He heard her last remark as he finally stepped through the threshold of the hospital. "We will!"

And as Louis shivered in the hospital's entrance way, he prayed the little angel spoke the truth.


Here we are another Tuesday again!! 

I wanted to make this as realistic as possible, and you bet my ass that fans would flock to the boys the second they found out what was going on. Even if it meant some sleuthing on their own.

This is also to build on the emotional side of it all. 

Next week IT GOES DOWN

Another hard blow is about to hit. This is the calm before shit storm #2 everyone. 

Are you ready?

See you next Tuesdayyyyy!!

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