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Louis looked at him in alarm.

"What is it?" He asked his voice hoarse and scratchy. He was still sweating profusely, and yelped in surprise as Zayn launched himself from the bed in attempts to grab his mobile that was resting on the table.

"It's over 106, Louis," Zayn informed him, noting the ice that Anne had gotten was already well on its way to melting. He grabbed a washcloth and dipped it into the ice box before hurriedly handing it to the older singer. "Put this on your forehead, now."

Louis hissed as the cold cloth came into contact with his skin, the temperature change cause a dull painful throb.

"I'd rather not go to the hospital," He said weakly.

Zayn ignored him, choosing instead to call Paul.


"We need an ambulance; Louis is burning with a fever of 106," He explained rapidly, trying his best to get Louis to keep the cold washcloth on his head. "He's getting worse, Paul. I-I don't-"

"Zayn, I need you to calm down. It will be faster if we take him ourselves rather than wait for them to get here and then drive back. I'll call ahead and let them know we're coming and call management too so we can get through the mobs. I need you to get Louis ready to go downstairs. Can you do that for me? Do everything in your power to bring down his fever as you go, but make sure he's comfortable to go in the rain."

Zayn breathed a shuddered breath and nodded before he realized Paul couldn't actually see him.

"Yeah, yeah. I can do that."

"Alright, I'll be right there. Tell Louis to hold on tight."

The dark haired teen eyed the shaking boy before him, his own panic beginning to rise when he saw him cough roughly into the crook of his arm. His whole body moved with the rhythm, as if too weak to fight back.

It probably was.

"C'mon, Lou. Let's get you back in your hoodie, Paul and I are going to take you to the hospital Harry's at."

He could see the reluctance in the singer, but he didn't seem to have the energy to put up a fight. Allowing himself to have a hoodie pulled over his head and the washcloth dipped back into the icy water before being placed back onto his head, Louis seemed to be giving up his fight.

Leading him into the hallway, Paul met them only moments later.

"Come here, Louis," Paul frowned, seeing the teen sway on his feet. He brought him up in his arms, shifting so that Louis could wrap his arms around his neck and bury his head into his chest away from the inevitable flashing cameras outside. His legs wrapped around, and had Zayn not been on the verge of a breakdown, he would have smiled at how he resembled a tired toddler clutching a parent falling asleep.

"You stay behind me Zayn; the security down stairs is going to help us through."

Nodding in silence he followed the bodyguard and his band mate to the lobby where the explosive noise of paps began to fill the air upon the sight of them.

Zayn disregarded what Paul told him, immediately took the lead as they exited the hotel.

"Move! Move! This is an emergency!"

Instead of relenting, the cameras only seemed to flash faster as an abundance of question began to be screamed out in unison with one another.

"Louis, are you drunk?"

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