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The four boys sat in silence.

The only things that could be heard in the hospital room were the insistent beeping of Louis' heart monitor and the heart wrenching sobs of people in the hallway.

Liam eyed Louis' fingers, noticing a shaking tremor in the one that was attached to more wires. It was tapping relentlessly on his bed sheets, but yet the teen himself didn't move any other muscles.

The doctor had come in that morning to tell them that Louis had been diagnosed with Pulmonary Edema. It was excess fluids in his lungs that were causing him so much pain and discomfort. It was unlikely for a patient to get it from pneumonia not unheard of, but Louis' body seemed to be on a record for winning the worst lottery of the year.

Amazingly, that was the easiest news to swallow out of everything in the past twenty-four hours.

"This is bullshit," Louis finally snapped, grabbing the rest of their attention. "How are they sure it's Niall?"

Harry, Zayn and Liam all exchanged uncomfortable stares. None of them knew how to respond.

"It was Niall, Louis. The body...matched his description. The coroner said that everything matched in regards to missing persons and location-"Harry tried to appease his band mate, but it was obvious the older boy wasn't listening, or simply didn't care. The youngest let his words drift off into the silence once more.

"What are we going to do?" Zayn whispered.

Louis whipped his head around to face the darker haired teen.

"Shut up, Zayn."

"Louis," Liam couldn't even find the fight in his voice. Just a harsh warning without even meeting the eldest's gaze.

The damning silence filled the room again, and for a second, Harry wondered if this is what suffocation felt like.

Abruptly, Zayn stood and walked out of the room, giving no explanation as to what he was going to do or why he was leaving. Liam gripped the edge of his chair tightly feeling the plastic dig into his nails.

"We're a pathetic excuse for a band."

Harry and Liam looked over at Louis in confusion.

"Look at us and tell me you don't agree. You two kept secrets, Harry's in a boot, I'm a sick bed-ridden mess and who knows what Zayn's been up too. And now we are just accepting Niall is dead. Are you two even upset about this?"

Harry choked.

"Of course we are, Louis! We've been up all night!"

"You need to quit the anger parade, Louis. It's not helping anyone," Liam answered bitingly. "You're making everything worse."

"Oh, am I?"

"Yes, you are!" Liam argued back, beginning to stand.

"At least I've been showing emotion this whole time, Liam. And not standing to the side trying to play grown-up!"

"Quit it!" Harry tried; his voice dark as he looked back and forth between the two of them.

"That's rich coming from the one in a hospital bed because he couldn't handle a simple f*cking cold!" Liam went on, either not hearing the youngest or simply ignoring him.

"You're just Mr. Perfection, aren't you?" Louis responded. "Can't do a thing wrong, huh? Niall would be proud."

Liam let out an animalistic scream, starling Harry and Louis as he threw a fist forward blindingly above Louis' bed. There was a sickening crack, and Harry watched stunned as plaster on the wall shattered and dust fell over Louis' head. Liam let out another shout, this time sounding distinctly more like one of pain but he wasn't sure.

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