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It was 10 AM the next day when the three teens got to the Hospital.

Sleep deprived, starving and probably looking worse for wear, they made their way to the ICU in low spirits, only to be taken aback by the cops standing in the hall just outside of Harry's private room.

"What's going on?" Liam whispered to Louis in confusion as they observed Anne shaking her head at the officers.

Something was clearly going down amongst the Styles family and the police, the frowns and serious atmosphere was all too easy to pick up on. The three teens lingered at the end of the hall, having only just gotten access.

Only a few seconds passed before Anne noticed them, and she gestured to Gemma who had been seated in one of the waiting chairs to go and address them.

The older Styles were looking exhausted, if not a little overwhelmed with the situation as a whole. She was still in the same sweatshirt she was wearing yesterday, indicating they had stayed the whole night in the ICU. Gemma looked a little pale, but for the most part, still holding herself together rather well for the situation.

"They found the owner of the bear trap," She explained when they were within earshot. "And from the sounds of it, he put up a bit of a fight with the officers when they came to his house."

"But they found him, that's a good thing right?" Zayn frowned, sensing that Gemma wasn't telling them everything of importance.

"Doesn't mean anything to us if Harry isn't willing to press charges," The female sighed, running a hand through her hair in a similar fashion to her brother.

"What do you mean 'not willing to press charges'? He nearly had his foot ripped off!" Louis snapped, eyeing the officer and Anne still deep in discussion.

"He's claiming that the fines for placing a trap in a public area and losing his trapping license are enough," Gemma shrugged, but her face said that she didn't see it as something to pass off. "Mum is trying to convince the officers that due to his drugged state he can't be making any legal decisions, but that still remains that Harry is stubborn and has said more than once now that he won't do it."

"So he's awake?"Liam inquired, looking over her shoulder to observe the hospital room's door.

"Awake and justifiably grumpy," Gemma confirmed. "If you go in there, be prepared for a hell storm."

Liam nodded.

"Zayn and I will head in and talk to him, see how he's doing. Lou, you stay out here and keep the peace okay?"

Louis crossed his arms in defiance, clearly offended at the arrangement.

"Why do I have to stay out here?"

"Because you obviously have a cold, and that's the last thing we want to expose Harry to when he's just starting to recover. Also," He emphasized, catching on to the argument that was brewing within the older teen. "You're a hot head, and that's not going to help the situation."

Louis flipped his hands up in offense but said nothing, already knowing he had lost this round and there was no point beating a dead horse.

Leaving the fuming Doncaster in their wake under the watchful eye of the older Styles, Zayn and Liam together made their way to the room, knocking gently to test the waters.

"No, No and N-oh," Harry cut himself off when he saw that it was just the two of them entering the room.

He looked only a fraction better than he did from the previous day. He still looked pale, his curls in a mess and miserable; but that was nothing to being able to see him sitting up and far better responsive than he had been before.

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