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"He fell?" Harry asked, his heart pounding in his chest. "What do you mean he fell?"

The teenager furrowed his eyebrows, pressing his hands to his forehead in pain as he seemed deep in thought.

"I...I don't remember it all clearly. I've been struggling to remember what happened," His voice sounded scratchy, no doubt from going so long without saying anything.

Harry leaned back in his chair, desperate not to startle this kid out of his newfound confidence. He rubbed his thumb anxiously on the side of his chair, waiting for him to continue talking.

"What do you remember?"

The teenager's eyes watered, flashing in pain.

"I don't know. It doesn't-I only get random flashes at different times," He stopped, catching his breath for a long moment before continuing. "One of the biggest things I remember is this terrible noise, we all flinched, and the blonde fell out of my eyesight. I...I think we were on a ridge or something."

Harry had never felt so many raging emotions at once. The singer almost felt dizzy.

Leaning forward to rest his head between his knees he almost could compare the feeling to being nauseas. There were so many different scenarios that could match with that description, and so many of them were terrifying to imagine.

"Are you okay?"

Startled, the curly haired boy looked up realizing he had been close to hyperventilating.

"Did-did he give you a name?"

He could tell that the kid was contemplating it.

The silence between them gave him all the answers he needed to know.

"Maybe it's not the same person," The kid attempted, his voice fading.

Harry gave the kid a tight lipped look.



Harry wanted to heave the contents of his stomach as he wandered down the hospital corridor back towards the ICU.

The feeling did not go away the next morning.

Not even when the police listened to the pieces of memory the kid remembered.

Or when the search parties went out again.

He could only bring himself to sit alone in his hotel room watching the cars drive by below as the sun set. He could hear the hotel life around him, people occasionally passing by his door, televisions turned on too loud, but none of them seemed to break the state of shock.

"I don't know what to do," He finally breathed against the glass of the window.

And somehow, the teen fell asleep like this, face plastered against the reflective surface, foot propped up on the windowsill.


The clock struck two A.M. when he was awoken by knocking on the hotel door.

Wearily, Harry slipped across the floor, tugging on the bottom of his sweatshirt tiredly.

He didn't expect to find some security member standing on the other side.

"'Ello?" He questioned in confusion.

"Mr. Styles, all of you have been requested to meet in Mr. Payne's room."

Blinking, Harry looked down the hall and saw other members of security knocking on the other lad's doors.

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