Chapter 9

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Poorly edited but it's edited enjoy :)

I wait for a little while longer until Mark walks right through the door with a shorter guy following him. "hey b. your loyal men have arrived." Mark says as he gives me a hug. "You guys want anything?" I laugh as they both look at me standing in front of the open fridge. They nod vigorously, I laugh "take out?" I ask mark shakes his head. "you need a night out, you need to get to know the city stay out all night if you'd like we are here to take you out to have fun." Mark says leaning on the counter looking down at his phone seeming like he is texting someone. "Lauren's on here way" he announces "umm who? "I say panicked. "Relax it's a friend to come, and watch addi." George says flopping down on a love sac. "umm addi is sick guys she has a virus..I can't leave her with some stranger!!." Mark rolls his eyes, "you know It will be ok with addi, I promise. I know how your feeling I know you know about this whole Logan and Chloe thing..i want to get him off your mind..because, I'm sure your not on his.." I sigh at the thought of Logan. "Fine one night out addis asleep I'll be ready in 20." I say walking down stairs hoping I just made the right decision. I look at myself in the mirror in my closet and sigh at my reflection. "20 minutes" I mutter to myself pulling out an out fit and throwing it on with some shoes, then grabbing my makeup bag.



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I grab my bag and drag myself upstairs to be met with a girl with dyed blonde hair with hamburger shoes on

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I grab my bag and drag myself upstairs to be met with a girl with dyed blonde hair with hamburger shoes on... "hey I'm lauren you must be Bailey I assume and addi is down stairs asleep I know and have fun I'll take care of her." I turn my head to the side. "um ok nice to meet you too.." I walk past her to be met with George. "WHOA OH MY GOD YOUR BEAUTIFUL!" he shouts I put my hands over my face to cover my blush. "Ok love birds lets go our, uber awaits.." Mark says holding the door open for us. We walk down to the elevator and on the ride down George whispers to Mark "why didn't you tell me she was this amazing..?!" Mark shrugs and looks forward. I look down at my phone like I didn't hear him, as we get into the uber I sit in the middle of them and I just scroll through my phone until Mark grabs my phone and puts it in his pocket. "no no. this is a night of adventure not technology." I roll my eyes and laugh I feel George's eyes on me as I look down at my lap and tuck my hair behind my ear. finally our uber stops in what looks to be the middle of nowhere. We all get out and I get worried. "Umm mark where are we!!" I start to freakout, "Chill out walk this way come on" Mark says following a trail into what looks like a field that leads to a mountain. I run my hands through my hair and sigh in frustration. George grabs my hand and leads me on following Mark. His hand is soft and incases mine, like they were made to fit together like so. I smile as he turns to look at me to help me over a rock. As I stand on the edge of the rock he smiles, and turns quickly picking my hand back up and continuing down the narrow path. While we walk up the side of the mountain I look out at the view, the city looks so small up here its beautiful. When we reach the top Mark sits on the edge of the cliff. I stand at the edge with George behind me. I look up at the stars and the full moon. "I've never seen anything like this..." I say sounding like the breathe was knocked out of me. I look down and see how far up we are. "Oh my god." I say in panick unable to move from the edge."what ?what is wrong?!" George says walking behind me "we are up so high...oh my god.." I gasp. "yeah I know" mark laughs I step from the edge stepping into George causing up a stumble. "wow I didn't know you were that close" I laugh holding onto his shoulders for support he laughs and flashes a smile. "come on guys I have more plans for tonight." Mark says walking down the hill. I groan "I don't wanna go" I whine standing at the top of the hill with George and Mark looking back at me. George walks back up the hill and says "get on" turning around I jump onto his back "whoa your really lite."he laughs walking down the hill behind mark. "Lemme order us a uber this time." I say to mark as we enter the field. "ok" he says reaching into his pocket handing me my phone. I order us a uber and put my phone in my pocket ."the uber will be here in 5" I announce. "George you can put me down now" i say putting my face up to his "nah I'm good" he says smiling walking to the rode where our uber awaits. I laugh as he drops me onto the pavmet so I can get into the uber. again I sit in the middle. we ride to a food place with outdoor seating with lights hanging over dining areas. I pull George's hood up and say "lemme take your picture." he poses as I take a photo. "perfect" I laugh "Mark whats wrong?" George says to Mark walking off to Mark who Is already sitting down alone with his head in his hands. I stand far enough so they don't think I'm listening. I look at the little herb garden next to a bench. "man its kylie" he sighs "again man don't let her bring you down." I hear mark scoff. I need to go home and collect myself can you handle her?" I say standing up "yeah man I can I'll take care of her." mark walks over to me and says "hey I'm sorry but I'm not feeling well I need to go home I'll text you later." I look up at him "ok its fine I hope you feel better thanks for getting me out of the house." he walks off without another word. I go and sit with George and I get on my phone and put the picture of him I took on my story:

 I go and sit with George and I get on my phone and put the picture of him I took on my story:

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"I'm tired" I complain George yawns "yeah me too. wanna ditch this place and go to my house and hang out?" he rubs his eyes "yeah lets go can we walk?" I ask not wanting to order another uber. "yeah the apartments aren't that far. " he takes my hand as we walk across the street towards the apartments.


We enter his apartment sleepily. he goes into his closet and throws me some sweat pants and a t-shirt. and he gets himself some bed clothes I go into the bathroom and change and he changes. I walk out to see him shirtless laying on the bed. I lean over and start to put my hair in a bun. "don't put it up lemme braid it" he says standing up and pulling me over to the bed making me sit. he grabs his brush and gently brushes my hair almost making me fall asleep. he starts at the crown of my head and French braids my hair. "wow that's awesome that you can braid your my new bestfriend" I laugh turning to face him. he jumps on the bed and lays back on his phone "yeah I know I'm amazing" he laughs "are you down to go to the gym tomorrow?" "ummm yeah I can but I have to swing by my place and see addi and get clothes"i say leaning back against his pillows I start to think of the night I stayed with logan. "stop thinking of him" he says rolling over on his side to face me. I cover my face with my hands "I'm trying" I sigh he pulls my hands from my face and rest his hand on my cheek "lets go to sleep and we can talk about it in the morning ok?" he ask raising his eye brows "ok goodnight George I say rolling over and getting under the covers. he gets under the covers and moves closer to me to where we are almost touching. I tuck a curl that was to short to make it into my braid behind my ear before drifting to sleep...

A/N: #BORGE ANYONE? should bailey and George be together? would logan freak or be ok with it? tell me down below who you guys thing she should be with!!! also don't be ghost readers vote comment I love feedback ❤ ~kenzie

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