Chapter 10

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I wake up to the smell off eggs and bacon. i get up out of the bed and go into the kitchen to find george fully dressed in workout clothes. "hey im going to run to my apartment to get me some workout clothes ill be back in like 10?" i say as he turns around "ok the food should be done by the time your back"he turns back towards the oven stirring the start of scrambled eggs. i grab my clothes from last night and pick up my heels at the door and walk out bare foot. When i get to my apartment lauren and addi are laying on the love sacs watching tv. i drop my stuff at the door and head over to addi "hey sweet heart how are you feeling?" she smiles "i feel better. can i go to laurens to meet her puppy?" i laugh and look up at lauren who says "its up to you if you want her too i love watching her" lauren tucks her hair behind her ear "um yeah totally you can go hangout with lauren" i say as addi jumps up and hugs  my legs i pick her up but first you wanna see if lauren wants to put you in the bath i got you some bath bombs i say touching my nose to hers. "yeah!!!" she squeals lauren follows us down stairs to addis' bathroom. lauren starts the water and says "i think me and you are going to be good friends. i like your style." i open the box of bath bombs and let addi chose one "yeah me too. your awesome for watching her for me. and i dont really have many friends around here.." i say undresssing addi and setting her in the tub. "well me and my friends are going to disneyland for  one of their birthdays you should come and bring addi ill help keep up with her..then you can come to my house and we an have a sleepover" she says dropping the bath bomb in causeing the water to burst with purple and blue. "that would be great lauren really thank you" i say hugging her "ok now get your clothes and gooo to him"i laugh and roll my eyes. i go to my room in my closet and i grab so workout clothes and some clothes for after. i throw on my clothes to workout in and i take my hair out of the braid and put it in a high pony tail.

i kiss addi bye and hug lauren before i walk out the door and head over to georges i go to knock on the door but i hear logans voice "i just dont know what to do man

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i kiss addi bye and hug lauren before i walk out the door and head over to georges i go to knock on the door but i hear logans voice "i just dont know what to do man.. everyone thinks im with chole but im not im not with anyone but i wanna be with bailey.."george sighs "at this point i dont know she stayed over lastnight  we had fun lastnight she will be back any second go hide in my bathroom until she gets here and we leave to go to he gym you can meet us a the gym." i knock on the door and i hear shuffling around in the house. "come in" george says with a mouth full of food. i walk in to see he made me a plate. i pick up  the plate and i begain to eat " thanks again george for you know letting me hang around"i say putting my plate in the sink and rinsing it . "alright lets goo" he says picking up his bottle of water. we walk out the door and go to the elevator. 


in the gym george goes to the weights. i go to the treadmill. i start to run at a slow and steady pace  and as i keep running i began to go faster. my playlist plays loud in my head phones. i glance over at the door to see logan walk in causing me to flinch. i sigh and slow to a jog then to a walk. i roll my eyes as i pass logan to grab my bottle of water. i hear him sigh loudly. he starts on the same treadmill i was on where i left my phone. i go over and i grab my phone from the cup holder and walk off as he continues to run.  i put so weights on the squating bar and i squat a few times before george says to logan "hey logan why don't we all go out to eat for lunch after we finish our workouts?" logan shakes his head as he tilts his water bottle to his lips. i finfish out my squats and i sit on a bench waiting for george to finish talking to some guy with logan. "hey george acctually change of plans ill meet you on hollywood blvd. at 3-ish? i got something to do.." he glances at me then goes back to george "um yeah man ill meet u there see ya later" he says as we walk out the door. 

~Back at georges house~

 when george get out of the shower i jump in and try not to take to long. i get dress quickly so we will have time to eat before we meet logan.

 i get dress quickly so we will have time to eat before we meet logan

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i decide let my hair air dry to it natural waves. "you ready?" george smiles standing in the kitchen on his phone. "yeah im ready lets go are we walking?" i ask as we walk out the door to the elevator "yeah there is a chipole right on the corner where we have to meet logan. " i think for  second "i've never had chipole." i state getting out of the elevator leaving george shocked. "OH MY GOSH WHY?!? ITS AMAZING" he says running up behind me putting his phone in his pocket. i laugh "im from the south all i know really is home cooked meals" he laughs with me "wow your in for a treat" i roll my eyes as we turn the corner and cross the street to chipole. as we eat he stares at me intently. "do you like it?" he says staring down at my food. "yeah its pretty good. its like my grandmothers beans and rice honestly." he laughs at my reply before taing another bite of food. when we are done was walk down the street to see logan sitting in a huge white g-wagon. "whoa" is all i say while george 'gets ran over' i stand on my phone leaning against the wall. "hey george im going to laurens" i yell as the cameras stop rolling for the vlogs. "no wait" logan says jogging to catch up to me "please meet me at the mall around 5?" i really wanna talk to you. i mean it 5."he says looking me in the eyes serious. "ok ok 5" i say walking off as a smile grows on his face." i smile as i walk closer to my uber to laurens apartment complex. at larens i open the door and addi comes running "mommyyyy!!" she squeals laughing running from a puppy chasing her to my legs....

(A/N)- ok guys cliffhangger!!!!! im so sorry but i gotta improviseeee school just started im juggling my school work my books and other things so guys im trying trust me i love writing!! so guys dont be ghost vote comment ya know that jazz lemme know you like it give me opinonssss!!! mkay im just rambling  now bye love you guyssss❤

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