Chapter 11

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After i tell lauren everything he mouth drops. "omg omg omg what time is it!!!" she hops over her coucha dn lands on the lovesac grabbing her phone. i laugh "its almost  time!!!" i roll my eyes and take a drink of my water. "i think i need to go ahead and head out ill come back after maybe and ill tell you all love you kisses" i say walking out the door before she says anything. When my uber finally pulls up i sigh to see its johonnes. i get in and we ride in silence. at the mall i walk and sit on the edge or the fountain and wait for logan. As logan walks up on the phone i sigh and stand up preparing myself for whats about to go down. as he puts his phone in his pocket and looks down at me i imediatly feel the urge to hug him. i hug him. with out a word he hugs me back. i sigh when i let go. "so, why are we here?" i say he rolls his eyes "because i know you love shopping." he says walking off and i follow "i dont have the money right now. i dont even have a job at the moment!! my mom left when she found out about addi and she wont return my calls." i catch up to him and he says "its alll on me baby" i roll my eyes our hand brush as we walk into a store. i grab some things to try o and he waits out side and every time i came out he whistled "OH MY GOD YOUR SO BEAUTIFUL YOUR GETTING IT"i would just roll my eyes and go back in and change again. so, finnally we left that store with me 3 new outfuts and him a shirt."so whats going on with you and george..?" he ask breaking the silence "im not sure acctually. i need to text him" i say pulling out my phone. logan grabs my phone as i start putting in the password. "no" he says putting my phone in his pocket. "um excuse me?" i say stopping and staring up at him in confusion "i dont want you talking to him" he says continueing to walk. "what if i want to talk to him? huh? he acctually helped me after what happened with you. he is a really great person."i say grabbing his arm. "look i said i dont want you talking to him alright?! why cant you listen to me!? just this once please listen. dont mess around with him ok? i dont want him all over you." he says as my phone starts to ring in his pocket he takes sit out and says "its your mom" i grab my phone from his had and i walk off. 

me: mom im so sorry...

mom: its ok dear it is, i really want to get to know this little girl. i cant believe im a grandmother!!

me: ill buy her a ticket and you can bring her home to show off if you want. because for the next few weeks im going to be really busy..


me: yeah mom really you can im serious. i want you in her life i love you mom.

mom: i love you too hon now, im buying my ticket to come up there and ill be there with in the next few days so, have her ticket ready...

me: i will mom!! ill call you later when i have her with me and you can talk to her..

mom: ok ok honey, when are you going to come home to visit?

me: imm not sure but, it will be as soon as possible, isnt bubba comeing home soon??

mom:honey..thats why i called....

me: mom what is it?!

mom: your brother was lost in action...shot through the chest im sorry..i didnt tell you sooner..

me:w-when is the funeral..?

mom: this weekend..

me:ill call you later i have to go

-hangs up-

i drop my phone and i go to the ground in the middle of the mall. i start to cry and logan runs over "whats wrong?! bailey?!?" he picks up my hpone and puts in in his pocet and grabs our bags and shoved them in his backpack and picks me up and carries me out to his chalenger.  my brother was my bestfriend. justin or as i call him 'bubba' was my big brother. my rock. the day he left to fight for our country he promised he would come back alive and well. but, he didnt... logan drove to his apartment parking deck and parked and finally asked "what happened." i look at him and i wipe my eyes. "i have to go home brother..was in the army and..he was killed in action...and his funeral is this weekend.." i start crying again. "im going with you and you and addi are going got stay at my house. lets go get addie and lets, just calm down." i sigh and i tell him she is at larens and i dont feel like going. "i can call mark to go get her." i say getting out of the car. "i put my hand out and signal for him to give me my phone. he hands me my phone and i text mark.


me:hey mark..can you get addie from  laurens? somthing happened with my family..and im in a horrible emotional state im at logans.

mark: yeah i can get her. if you dont mind me asking what happened?

me:ill tell you when i see you.

mark :ok ill be there in about an hour im gonna run by target after i get her and get her a toy my uncle game is strong

me :lol ok ok but nothing to big!

we walk up to logans apartment in silence. as soon as we walk in the door i grab kong and i walk to his room and drop onto the bed and sigh. logan goes to his dresser and throws a pair of mavrish boxers at me and one of his v-necks i go change and come back to in his underwear on his phone laying on the bed with kong cuddling him. i sigh and flop onto the bed and roll over to d=see what logans doing on hs phone and he snaps a picture of me really quick and i squeal "NOOOOO"






A/N: prt 2 coming soon!!! what do you think?? comment your reactions to their reunion. dont be a ghost reader like comment and even follow me if you like me that much love you guy!! the amount of suport is crazy!! thank you sooo much i hope your having day❤❤

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