Chapter 2: The Death of the Duplicate

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The Duplicate stood in her kitchen, washing the dishes. She was unknowing of her prophecy; she had no idea she even was a duplicate of another mortal girl. Simply, her thoughts were filled with happy things. She watched the children outside through her window. She watched them intently, trying to remember her playtime on Earth, but she could not. She always felt disconnected from everyone in her village. They often talked about their past life on Earth and were happy to share their mistakes and triumphs, for this was the afterlife, and it did not matter anymore.

What frustrated Eve was that she could not remember her past life, and she seemed like the only one. When she asked people if they had any idea why, they'd slink away as if they were hiding something. This made her sad, and it made her only want to know the truth more. Why was she so special? Why did everyone in the village know her name and treat her like she was some god?

"Eve?" a voice coos, someone appearing at the small doorway to her small house/hut.

Eve recognized the voice immediately. "Yes, Azura?"

Azura appeared from the shadows, her dark skin disguising her. Her eyes as blue and as dark as the sea remained calm. "How are you?"

Eve set down the dishes, looking over at her best friend in shock. The children's laughter was deafening, blocking out her train of thought. "Wh-What?"

"Like, are you feeling funny?" she asks, closing in on the space between her and Eve. "The Deviant asked me to check up on you."

Why would Ashley be worried about her? This was odd--really odd. "Um, I'm doing fine. I'm just, you know, waiting for my love to get home. Like every afternoon."

Azura was a stranger to the five leaders of the church, like most people. She saw them from time to time, only when it truly mattered. She can only call them by their church names. She must have been extremely flattered to have been The Deviant's daily messenger for today.

Ever since Eve came into the afterlife, she had been fairly close with the five leaders. She was even allowed to call them by their mortal names, for they were close. She wasn't allowed to speak of their names to anyone else. Eve really never questioned why it was her, of all people, they decided to take in as their own.

Azura nods at her, saying, "I must rush to tell The Deviant, so I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Good luck, Eve!" Azura rushes out of the house.

Good luck? Why in the name of Serpentine did she say that? Oh, gosh!

Eve folds her hands and drops to her knees, begging the old god for forgiveness. She was not allowed under any circumstances to use the Matriarch's name in vain. She was not allowed to even speak of her on these holy grounds.

"Oh, Jophiel! Please forgive me! I did not mean to use your sister's name in vain! Please drop all charges on me, and use your undying forgiveness on my soul. In Jophiel's name, amen."

She was praying to Jophiel, the banished god from long ago. The god that is now banished from his own universe. The Wild Ones' church believed in Jophiel rather than F.E.A.R., the group of people who claim to be the gods of the afterlife.

Serpentine was Jophiel's sister that was currently in hiding, at least from what Eve and The Wild Ones knew. Serpentine was apparently banished with Jophiel, and cast the once fertile afterlife into a barren no-man's land. But The Wild Ones knew better than to believe F.E.A.R. on their word.

Eve stands, turning back to the dishes. She sighs, picking at a stain on a platter. "Why can't I be normal?" she thinks out loud, wishing to remember her mortal life.

"Evelyn? It's me."

She doesn't turn around, instead smiling to herself and continuing to wash the stained china. "Andy..."

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