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**What I thought Abby would look like**👆👆

Abby's P.O.V**

I sit in silence while taking a math test that I didn't study for the day before. God I'm so stupid I shouldn't of stayed up late playing video games. I look over as I heard people talking, but it wasn't just anyone it was Mason and his dumb friends Jason and Cole. He's the talk of the school, tall and handsome with black hair and bright green eyes. Ugh! His eyes. Not to mention he's the captain of the foot ball team and so yummy.

Getting hit in the face with a paper ball brought me out of my thoughts. "Sorry Abby" I roll my eyes as they laugh outrageously and I stare at Mason's hot face "Yeah whatever" I say as I turn back to finish my test. I can't believe he even remembers my name, probably because he asked someone before purposely throwing that paper ball at me. I just wanted to pick it up and throw it back at him but I'm more mature than he is.

The bell rings as I put my stuff into my bag and right as I go to stand up I'm being pushed right back into my seat "Thanks douchebag"

Mason looks down at me and glares "Maybe if you watch were you are going you wouldn't have bumped into me" he walks out with his so called jock friends

"You ran into me" I whisper to myself and look over to see my one and only true friend Maggie. She has long blonde hair and blue eyes kind of a girly girl and honestly I have no idea how we ended up friends. I'm more of the "I love everything that's black" and have emo, punk posters up in my room as she wears girly clothes and cares about how she looks.

"Were you just talking to Mason?" Maggie walks over to me while stand up

"Yeah well it was only for two seconds" I roll my eyes and put the arm of my bag over my shoulder "Besides he may be hot and all but he's a ass. His ego is to high for my taste"

"Well since you pass I'll take my shot at him" Maggie winks and I laugh

"Yeah good luck with that. He only like the slutty girls that willing open their legs for him" I walk out into the hallway and out the exit doors. Can this day get any worse?

As I walk out side I bump into someone but just just someone, it's Mason. Ugh why him? It could be anyone else but nature chooses him. He turns towards me and my body stiffens I can't move.

"What the hell first you bump into me in class and now out here? Do I look like a wall to you?" He folded his arms over his chest then quirked a brow and waits for my respond

"No you look like a level 50 douche bag" I mumble as everyone that could hear me gasps including Maggie then I slowly look up and he's smirking at me. I feel my face begin to heat up. Part of me wants to die for saying that and the other part feels satisfied.

"Oh?" Mason runs his fingers through his shiny black hair "Well maybe you should get your eyes checked again four eyes" I rolled my eyes to his response then walked away while pulling Maggie along with me.

"I can't believe you just said that to him" Maggie laughs while looking back "Hey he's still staring at you"

"So let him stare" I stomp away and dragged Maggie to her house. I practically live with her cause I hate being by myself at home. My dad is in the military so who knows when I'll seen him again.. If I see him again. My mom died when I was 7 but I don't wanna talk about that, it still hurts to think about it after all these years.


"Let's go to a party" Maggie smiled as I rolled my eyes

"You know I don't like parties unless it involves going to a concert then I'm all ears" I chuckled and she sighs

"Come on do it for me" She smiled brightly. Ugh! She just had to pull that card on me

"Fine I'll go. But only cause you are begging me to" I sighed and she claps her hands

"Yay but I wanna dress you up" She goes to her closet and pulls out a black knee high dress with high heels.

"No no I refuse to wear that. I'm not girly remember?"

"Awe come on its black. It's the only black clothing I have in hear and you'll look really good in it" She waved the dress in my face as I snatch it from her.

"Fine but next time I dress myself" I walk into the bathroom and take a quick shower then put on the dress she gave me and walked out while drying my hair "So how do I look" I sigh as I look in the mirror on her door. Honestly I don't think I look that bad.

I twirl around for her and she shoots up from her bed "You look hot man" she leaps over to me and pulls me over to her make up stand.

"Awe come on first the dress and now make up?"

"It will only be a little bit jeez. I'm curling your hair too" Maggie winks at me through the mirror and I groan loudly.

I sit back and let her finish the final touches on my hair and make up "There all done crying baby" she beams at her master piece and I turn around to make sure she didn't make me look like a clown.

"That's a lot of make up Maggie" I wipe some it off to make it a bit lighter. Well at least it's black to match the dress. I reach down to put the heels on then stand up "Well I guess you don't have that bad of taste"

"See I told you you'll look fine" She came out of the bathroom with a peach color dress and her hair up in a ponytail. Of course she looks beautiful, I mean everyone loves her.

"Well let's go" I grab her hand and pull her out of the house then got into the cab that she called 30 minutes ago and looked out the window as the guy driving the cab drove off.


I'm sorry if this is bad. I'm not a really good writer but I hope to improve to have more people read and enjoy my stories.\( ̄▽ ̄;)/

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