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I heard knocking on the door. I didn't bother to get up though.
       "Lance, you alright in there bud," it was Hunk. I wiped the tears off my face and forced a smile, "Hunk, the question is are you ok out there without me to fill your life with joy?" I asked trying to sound like my 'usual' self. I heard Hunk chuckle,"Ok, well breakfast is ready," he said with a laugh. After I couldn't hear his footsteps anymore I got up. I slipped on some sweatpants and walked into the living area.
        Pidge was on her computer, furiously typing away, Hunk was peering over her shoulder watching. Shiro was sitting down with Keith, probably plotting our next mission.
I trudged over to the kitchen, serving myself a  plate of green space goop and sat down with rest of them.
      Pidge, Hunk and Keith didn't seem to notice but Shiro did.
      "Good Morning Lance," he said brightly, he was wide awake.
      "Mornin," I said eating a glob of my food. I mustv'e looked bad because Shiro said, "Are you feeling ok Lance?" I was so stuck in thought I didn't answer. I just chewed on my green breakfast and longingly thought of home.
      "Lance, are you ok?" Shiro asked again but I didn't reply. He looked right through me, he always did, but today he didn't like what he saw. Out of the corner of my eye I saw his face of distaste.
     I tried imagining my mothers homemade bread, toasted with butter and a cup of warm expresso coffee while I ate the space goo but it wasn't the same.
    "I miss coffee," I said aloud not meaning to. Everbody looked at me.
I wasn't joking or flirting or making stupid puns I was just honest, and it was weird for them.
    "Lance, are you feeling ok?" Pidge chimed, I just stayed staring down at my plate of goo thinking about breakfast.
    "Remember the breakfast my mom packed us on our first day together," I smirked remembering the thought of it.
     Pidge and Hunk looked at me bewildered, I guess it was a strange thing to just say but I didn't care.
     "Yeah it was the best piece if toast I'd ever tasted," Hunk said plain and quiet and true. I nodded and walked my plate over to the kitchen.
     "Lance can you come here for a moment?" Shiro asked all concerned.
I walked over to him, "Are you feeling ok Lance? You seem a little down," he said.
      "I just wanna go lay down," I said plainly. He nodded and I walked away.
       "I gotta distress signal from Keberos. Apparently someone is looking for us," Pidge said pointing her computer.
       "I don't trust it, it's probably the Galra luring us in," Keith clenched his fists.
      Pidge shook her head, " Says something about the Garrison, its hard to make out. Something about a ship crash," she said scrolling through all the Altean print on her screen.
    "I say we check it out," Shiro said confidently. The others nodded, Keith was still suspicious but didn't argue.
    "Suit up," Shiro yelled out.

I walked back into the hall, "I think I'm gonna sit this one out you guys," I said. The others were unsure of it but Shiro nodded.
      "It's ok Lance, we won't be long," he said as the rest of them headed to there lions. I laid down in my room and started think about Earth. The beach, the sun, the sand, I started to tear up thinking about it. The rain, I was sad over these basic elements of life that had been stripped from me.
     The entire time I was here, I had avoided thinking of my family because I knew it would leave my broken. But when I thought of the rain I thought of the thunder. I remembered how much thunder scared my mom, everytime it would rain or thunder my mom made me hold her. I dreaded it then but I would give anything to hold her just another storm. Before I knew it my face was wet and I was remembering everything that I ever loved.

Your POV

I sent out the distress signal and got word back. By how the words were laid out I knew Pidge was on the recieving end. I had caught a ride to Kerberos from one of the clean up ships, barely. I had managed to climb on the top of the clean up ships. The people below wouldn't notice me but the lions definitely would, or any other ships flying by.
      I waited for a hour or so when I heard a growl of sorts. I looked up and saw the lions. I stood up a waved my arms, jumping up and down. The black lion flew towards me it's mouth opening up. A tall man wearing black armor walked out, I couldn't see his face at first but then realized it was Shiro.
         "Takashi Shirogane it's nice to meet you," I held at a hand, he took it hesiatantly.
          "Who are you?" He said firm. I pulled back my hand, "I'm (Y/N/L/N), I'm a friend of Lance McClain. I went to Garrison with him," I said firm but civil. Shiro nodded, "One moment," he said amd whispered into his helment, "Hunk, Pidge do you know a (Y/N/L/N)?" I could hear Pudge squeal over the intercom, and Hunk laughed.
        Shiro turned back around, "Well Ms. (L/N) it looks like your coming with us," I smiled and followed as he climbed into the lion. Seeing that there was only one seat I pinned myself against the wall hugging my backpack.
         "How did you get out here?" Shiro asked. I smirked, "I caught a ride on one of the cleaning ships."
"Cleaning ships?" Shiro asked, I realized that he hadn't been there when catastrophe struck.
"Well, uh, after the mission catastrophic events happened, they sent men up," I said a bit embarrased of my government.
"They sent more men up?" He said as he leaded the other lions off the planet. I nodded, "Is Lance ok?" I asked. Shiro shook his head, "He's very homesick, this morning he wouldn't look anyone in the eye. It was so unlike him," he was very worried.
"I, I talked to his mom, Lance's mom. She packed him somethings," I smiled at my bag, "I told her I would find him, so here I am," I said sheepishly. Shiro looked at me and smirked, "You like him?" He asked out if nowhere.
"What! I mean, yes he's my friend. I care about him, but its not like he'd never like me back like that," I rambled until I realized what I just said. I blushed and looked at the ground.
     "Your secrets safe with me," Shiro winked. I looked up and realized we were approaching a castle, it was blowing my engineer wired brain.
"Is that-" I started
"Yes." Shiro said as he landed the lion into a large room, the other lions followed close behind.
      Lance, I'm here.

Well that was a long chapter,  1187 words! I hope you enjoyed, make sure to vote and share.

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