Lances POV
I always liked (Y/N) she was different than any of the other girls I crushed on. She always seemed to leave me speechless when there was no use in words, and we would talk truthfully when words were all that
Unlike any of the other girls I had a crush on, she actually cared about me.
The rest of Voltron were back and I had an idea brewing. (Y/N) was in my room, she said she wanted to clean the place up. I made my way to the lions.
"Hola Space Dad," I said. Shiro chuckled, "Hey Lance, how did it go?" He asked.
"Good, it was great. How was the mission?" I changed the topic of coversation to get rid of my blush, but Shiro noticed.
"It was smooth enough, no Galra," he sighed, he sounded stressed. I just nodded and walked to Pidge.
"Hey Pidge, can I ask you something?" I asked obnoxiously sweet. She looked up at me, "What do you want Lance?" She took off her helment.
"Can you retrieve songs from Earth?" I asked honestly, I would need music for my idea.
"Of course, what do you need?" She replied. That was suprisingly easy.
"Uh, can you maybe retrieve a list if songs for me. I wanna throw a party," I explained. She was happy to do it, I thanked her and rushed up to (Y/N).
She had just finishing making the bed. I got a running start and jumped on the bed.
"Lance!" She yelled, "I just made the bed," she sighed and sat down in defeat.
"Wanna help me throw a party?" I smiled. She perked up, "Party?" I nodded.
She crawled up to me and sat right next to me, "I love you," she said. I didn't fully register what she said, until her face turned red.
"What?" I asked. She blushed, "I said I'd love too," she stuttered her face bright pink. I smiled and nodded, 'she loves me' I thought.
"We need to make decorations," she said brightly. I laughed, it was nice to see her of worry. She grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bed. She rushed us down the hallway. We were going so fast we accidently bumped into Mullet.
"I'm so sorry Keith, I didn't hear you come around the corner," she apologized frantically.
"It's ok" he said simply. (Y/N) squeezed my hand, signalling me to apologize.
We talked through our eyes.
'I don’t wanna say sorry' is what I said. She glared which was enough to scare me into.
"Sorry Mullet," I said. She rolled her eyes, and turned to Kieth, "Do you know where we could find paper, and like scissors and stuff?" She asked calmly. Kieth raised a brow, "Supply room," he pointed down the hall.
She let go of my hand and quickly pecked him on the cheek, "Thanks," she said and intertwined her fingers with mine, before running off, leaving Kieth standing like an idiot.
"What was that about?" I asked. She stopped and turned to me.
"I was thanking him, I do that to everyone," she said innocently.
"Did you have to kiss him on the cheek?" I asked. She tilted her head, and walked closer to me, "Jealous McClain?" She said.
"What! No, it was just...different," I spluttered. She smiled all sly, "Right," she said and pulled me into the supply closet.
"We need paper, glue, scissors," she let go of my hand and examined the shelves.
"I don't see why we can't just go buy decorations. Blue can get us to the nearest shopping mall in no time," I crossed my arms, confidentially.
She stood up, shaking cobwebs out of her hair, dust coated box.
"Because Lance, that's no fun," she shoved the box in my arms.
"Plus, it gives us some quality bonding time," she smiled and went back to digging, pulling out box after box.
"How did I get so lucky?" I said aloud by accident.
"What?" She said.
"Uh, I said, How did I get so...dusty?" I stuttered, she nodded and went back to digging. That was a close one.Your POV
By the time we left, Lance was pushing a gurney stacked with boxes.
I had cart full of dresses and suits.
"(Y/N), can we switch?" Lance panted. I sighed and switched with him. The gurney was heavy, but not unbearable. I carted the gurney into the living room. Hunk was in the kitchen, Pidge was typing furiously at her computer and Shiro and Allura were at the table. Keith was probably at the training deck.
I walked over to Hunk.
"Hey Hunk, can you do me a favor?" I asked with a sugary smile.
"Sure, what do you have in mind?" He asked, swallowing hard.
"Can you cook stuff for a party?" I asked. He smiled, "I'd love too," he was already pulling out a recipe book.
I kissed him on the cheek, "Thanks Hunk," I said. He blushed a bit and nodded.
I walked over to Lance, who was biting his cheeks angrily. It was obvious he was jealous. I smiled at him, he softened up. I walked over to Allura amd Shiro. Me and Allura have been getting along really well, so she hated it when I called her princess.
"Allura can you assist me, really quick," I smiled urgently. She nodded and followed me.
"What do you need (Y/N)?" She asked worried. I pointed to the pile of clothes, "Do you think you can help me spruce these up? There so bland and I want this party to be perfect. You have the best fashion so," I smiled nervously. She smiled, and grabbed the clothes, "I've been wanting to dress the Paladins up for forever," she confessed and rushed off. I giggled and walked over to Lance. I grabbed box handed to him.
"Follow me," I said and made my way to the table where Shiro was sitting at. We sat down.
"Hey Shiro," I said. He smiled, "Hey you two," he said calmly. I opened up the box and started pulling paper and scissors. And that's when the fun began.
Don't worry, part two is already in the works. This was just getting to long. So if you enjoyed, don't forget to share this and it to your Library. Much love ~ermzarose~

Voltron X Reader ONESHOT
FanfictionYou knew Lance from the start, he was in your egineering class. You two were partners and of course he always flirted with you. You soon started growing feelings for him, but then he was moved to fighter class. You longed tell him how you felt. One...