f o u r.

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I looked at the time on the oven, 9:55 pm. My stomach churned as I walked to the hall and glanced at the back door. Should I go? I glanced back at the clock seeing only one minute passed. I sighed and walked to the back door slowly. I lifted the blinds, seeing a dark outline of a person. Harry. His head suddenly snapped up, our eyes met just before I removed my hand and let the blind drop. "Bae." I heard his voice shortly after, I froze. Don't think, don't think. "Bae, it's 10. You said you would come out and talk." His voice was calming and slow.

Hesitantly, I grabbed the door knob; slowly twisting it and pulling it open just a bit. I looked out from the small crack, "Okay.. talk." I said, keeping my voice low so my mom wouldn't wake up. Like she would, she took a shitload of NyQuil "Bae, come out." his voice was low and stern now. I looked in his eyes, seeing they are a dark green. I opened the door all the way, stepping out the house. I had on some sweats and an old jumper.

I looked around, a thin layer of snow covered the ground. I stopped when I seen Harry's feet. Still no shoes. They were purple and looked like they had frost bite. I felt bad for him, his feet must be in so much pain. "No, they're not." I looked up at him, taken back by his comment. "Excuse me?" Harry didn't say anything, I noticed he wasn't on my porch, he was just before the step.

"Why don't you wear any shoes?" I asked him, watching as he wiggled his toes slightly. "I don't need them, the weather doesn't harm them." He said casually. I furrowed my eyebrows, but decided not to push him. It was quiet for a bit longer before I asked him, "Harry, what happened the other night?" I looked up at him, his eyebrows were furrowed and his bottom lip was caught between his teeth and his eyes were stuck on the snow that covered the ground. "Do I make you nervous?" He asked, avoiding my question. Yes, I'm terrified. "No." I lied, not making eye contact. Harry went quiet for a few minutes, "I need to know I can trust you and you won't tell." He said, his eyes never leaving me. "How?" I asked, our eyes finally meeting again.

"Let me in." He said, his eyes switching to a different color before it changed back. "Let you in?" I asked him, confused. "Let me restated that, invite me in." He said, his voice getting deeper. I shook my head, "N-No." How is letting him in, show he can trust me. Harry lifted his eyebrow, "Come out here." He stated, lifting his arm and 'showing' me the backyard. I shook my head again, "No."

Harry clenched his jaw, I watched as his features went dark in a matter of seconds. "At least allow me on the porch." He need's to be invited on my porch? "Okay.." I didn't think anything of it, I just wanted to know what happened honestly. "You may come in?" I said in more of a question form. Harry shook his head, "You have to say, I invite you on the porch." Very picky. I thought before repeating his words. "I invite you on the porch." Before I realized it, Harry was in front of me and his eyes were a dark red. I gasped, stepping back into the door. "I won't do anything." He stated, his eyes were green again. I took in a shaky breath, debating if I should go in or not. "Don't go in." Harry said quickly, grabbing my wrist. I jumped, trying to pull my arm back.

"Harry let go." I whimpered, pulling at my arm. "Not until I explain." He said, his grip on me tight. "Okay, explain." I mumbled. Why is he going to tell me this? he doesn't even know me. Harry laughed, "Oh Bae, I know more than you will ever imagine." He said, shaking his head. I decided not to ask him about that, only ignore it. "Explain please because unlike you, my feet can't handle this weather." I didn't mean to sound rude, but it happens.


 He bit his lip, thinking. "Do you believe in the undead? And no, not zombies." 

He said, his voice was serious. "Vampires?" I asked him, confused. He nodded, "Um, no. This isn't Dracula, this is the real world." I laughed at him. His face went blank. I stopped laughing. okay, not funny. "Okay, it's um. possible." I mumbled. "What are something's Vampires can do?" he asked, leaning on the house. The wood creaked, quickly I grabbed his arm and pulled him off. His arms were cold, Very cold. Harry looked at me amused, "Well.. they drink blood." He nodded, "They're cold. Needs to be invited in before coming in a house, they run very fast and only come out at night." I stated, looking at him. He nodded, "Look back on the memories of our second encounter." He said, his arms were now crossed over his chest.

I brought the memories back, Harry dropped to the ground, when he seen the red liquid, he ran away very fast, I only seen him at night- Oh my god. "H-Harry you're-" He nodded, not saying anything. He walked over, he was now in front of me. I reached behind me, grabbing the door knob. "Bae, don't freak." he said, reaching his hand out slowly to grab my arm. His fingertips brushed my jumper as I twisted the knob and leaned back on the door; falling in the house. "Bae!" Harry said, his voice in sudden panic. I scurried back, No no no, he's lying. It's just a.. a sick joke. "Bae, this isn't a joke." Harry said, his hand was just in front of the door not daring to go in.

My thoughts wandered back to the news, Three dead people found. "D-Did you do it? D-Did you kill those people?" I asked him, my eyes looking anywhere but him. "Yes." He started, "But it's the only way I can survive, if I could I would change this, But I can't." He said, he was wanting to get in I could tell from his actions. I shook my head, I don't care. You're not suppose to be here. "Bae please, let's just talk." He said, almost pleading. "Why do you even want to talk?! We don't even know each other!" I said loudly

"Bae, its 10:30 at night honey, why are you up?" My mums groggily voice said as she peaked out her room. "Nothing mum, go back to bed." I said, glancing back at her. When I looked back at the door, Harry was gone. My mum didn't say anything, she only nodded and went back to bed. I got up and grabbed the knob, I looked around outside. I jumped when I seen Harry on his porch, leaning on the railing; he opened his mouth to speak but I slammed the door, locking both locks just in case. I walked to my mums room and crawled in the bed with her. With what I just found out, I need my mum more than ever. Even if she's asleep. I lifted her arm and wrapped it around me, I cuddled up to her; feeling her grip tighten around me slightly. I smiled slightly, falling asleep slowly.

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