t w e n t y e i g h t

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Harry's POV.

11: 45. Exactly five minutes after the surgery.

I decided to just walk back to the hospital, it helped me distract myself from everything and helped kill time. I looked around, noticing I was already at the hospital. Time flies I guess. I walked into the hospital, my eyes immediately to the crying woman at the double doors who was getting hugged tightly by a brunette and a blonde. I quickly walked over, noticing the nurse in front of them with a look of sorrow. "Trisha.. what's wrong? What happened?" Trisha squeezed her way out of the tight embrace and wrapping her arms tightly around me. "S-She didn't make it, H-Harry," She cried, squeezing me as tightly as she could. Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. I took a deep breath in, moving back from her hug.

I looked around the room, barely anyone was in their expect for Trisha, Zayn, Lexi, Trisha, The nurse and I. My hands started to shake as I shook my head, "No," I told myself, the flowers slipped from my hand. "Harry," Trisha said softly, she reached out for me but Lexi grabbed her arm, shaking her head. I looked at the nurse, then the double doors. Before I realized it, I ran through the double doors at only human speed. My eyes scanned around, trying to find where Bae is. I could here people yelling for me to stop, but I didn't. I'm finding Bae.

Suddenly, I stopped. A door was opened and there she was, the right side of her was showing. I watched as the doctor covered her with the while, thin blanket. The doctor sighed, shaking her head. It was the same doctor that stitched up her arm. "She was such a lovely girl," The doctor said to herself as she walked out the room. The doctor's eyes landed on me, she was frozen for a second before she put her hand up. "Stop, he's allowed back." She said, walking over and grasping my shoulder. I furrowed my eyebrows the turned around, seeing security and a few male nurses behind me. "But-"

The doctor shook her head pulling me to the room which Bae laid. She shut the door, looking at me then Bae. "Go ahead Harry, change her." I looked at the doctor, dumbfounded. "What?" The doctor chuckled, walking over to Bae and pulling the blanket down to show from her breast, which was covered by the hospital gown and up. "I can't believe you don't remember me," she stated, looking up at me her light brown eyes looking amused. "Well, now that I think about it, you only got a quick glance at me before I nearly drained you dry." That's when it clicked, she was the one that changed me.

"But, how are you-" She raised her right hand, a red and black ring shining from lights. "If I didn't get chased off my those psycho neighbors of yours, you would have gotten one. But they came with all those petty weapons so I just left." I bit my lip and nodded, walking over to them. "Now you change her. She already got blood during the surgery. Now, excuse me while I do my magic." She stated, walking towards the door.

I waited until the door was closed before I looked at Bae, I sighed, examining her. All her flawless features were the same but her head was shaved on the left side, where the done the surgery.  I really hope it grows back as she changes, I don't think she'd like having the left side of her head shaved forever. I leaned down, feeling my fangs slowly extend. "I love you," I mumbled, kissing her neck softly. "I'm going to make this quick," I told her, knowing she couldn't hear me.

I sunk my teeth into her skin, closing my eyes. Her blood immediately filled my mouth, but I ignored it ad allowed the 'venom' to enter her body. It took everything in me to old myself back, not suck her dry, but I knew she was going to need some kind of blood when she wakes up and that will be the easiest to get.

After a few minutes, I pulled away. I'm not going to lie, I did end up drinking some of her blood. But its just hard to resist. I stood there, watching as her body slowly started to shake; just like a few days ago when she had the seizure. I watched as her facial expression change from peace to pain. She shook more violently, all of her changing. Even her hair, its usually a dull, dirty blonde, but now it's a bright honey blonde. I watched in shock as her hair grew back slowly it was in waves and stopped just above her stomach.

Suddenly, her eyes opened along with a high pitch scream escaping he lips. "Bae!" I started to panic as I covered her mouth, trying to get her to stop. But she didn't, I knew why. The feeling of her now dying insides hurt worse than anything in the world.She started screaming for help, It felt like knifes were stabbing into me each time she did. Fuck, I thought, my throat dried as my eyes started to water up, I leaned down, kissing Bae's forehead. "I'm doing the best I can." I said loudly, trying to be louder than her screams.

I felt a tapping on my shoulder, I turned to see the doctor. She was holding a blood bag in one hand and two rings with the flowers I bought Bae in the other. "This is for you," she stated, handing them to me. I smiled at her, setting the flowers down on the small table and tearing the blood bag open with my teeth.I uncovered Bae's mouth and slowly tilted the blood bag, allowing the blood to pour into her mouth. It reminded me of a crying child, the way they're crying cause their hungry and they get the bottle, then slowly quiet down once they realize they got their food. But except, the blood didnt end her hunger, it ended her pain.

Bae quickly sat up, gripping the bag and squeezing it, forcing the blood out the bag and in her mouth. she gulped down every once of blood, she must've realized the more she had, the less pain she was in.

After a few minutes, the bag was empty. Bae was looking around the room, amazed. I know why, her vision was 100 times better and she was amazed with everything. I smiled, she changed faster then I expected. I looked at the rings, slipping the bigger one of my pointer finger. A tingling feeling ran over my body as I grabbed the flowers then looked back at Bae.


She looked over at me, her eyes widened. She smiled wide as she got up from the bed and hugged me tightly. I chuckled, hugging back. "I missed you," I told her, kissing her head. "I love you too." Bae looked up at me, her use to be dull, hazel eyes have changed into bright green. I kisses her nose before talking a step back. "I got these for you." I told her, presenting the flowers to her. She smiled wide, grabbing them. "Thank you," she told me, smelling the flowers. "I love it." She stated, holding them close to her.

"Oh and, the doctor got you this," I added, remembering the small object in my hand. She looked at it, holding her hand out. I slipped it on her finger, it fit perfectly. "Oh, call me Jen." The doctor added, I completely forgot about her being here. I grabbed Bae's arm, pulling her to me. "Bae, I would like you to meet your doctor and my creator." Bae looked at her, shocked a little. But Bae didn't stay socked for long, she walked over to her and hugged her tightly. "Thank you," she whispered. I couldn't see her face so I couldn't tell her facial expression. Jen chuckled, "You're welcome Baelee. Now go see your aunt and cousin, they're dying to see you."

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