22. The clause

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Hi guys, here is a new chapter! Happy reading and remember, let me know what you think by voting and commenting. :)


The tears I held onto at Mum's have disappeared. Those feelings I felt are just a passing memory. I know holding them back is a bad idea but right now I don't care. For once I'm not thinking about Julian, Gregory or Marcus. I'm not even thinking about Mum's confession. All I can think about is Carly.

I'm still shaken and slightly annoyed at her. She's just rubbed salt in the wound. I already felt I wasn't good enough and now she's just confirmed it. God I hate her sometimes.

When I reach Jamie's door I'm so blinded by rage I forget why I'm here. Suddenly all I want is to see him, yell at him and demand an identity for free. Yeah I'm on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster at the moment and he's going to cop my rage. If I wasn't so angry I'd feel sorry for him.

Without Gregory around now, I can't use his cash and while I have savings, I don't have enough to pay for an identity. Besides after the stress Jamie has put me through it's the least he can do. I mean come on, a baby?

When he doesn't respond after two knocks, I pound on his door again and impatiently wait. It's after ten now so it can't be because I'm early. Of course me being me, I didn't consider that he might be out having a life.

Rather than giving up, I wait a few seconds then I knock again. It's dark, dreary and spooky out tonight. The streetlamp down the road is not working so it's pitch black in this alleyway. Desperate to get out of here, I knock for a fifth time and decide if he doesn't come after this, I'll leave.

There's another silence and after a few seconds I sigh in defeat and turn away. Coming face to face with a figure, I scream in fright and jump what feels like half a mile off the ground.

"Oh my god, Jamie," I cry, punching him in the chest. "What the hell are you doing standing there like that?"

"I've been standing here the whole time," he confesses with a laugh. "Well, almost the whole time. I rounded the corner after your first knock. I couldn't resist waiting to see how long you would keep trying. I admire your persistence."

I scowl at him. "Whatever, let me inside."

He raises a single eyebrow and his eyes fill with lust. "Well, if you're offering..."

He steps past me and opens the door, gesturing with his hand for me to go in. I stand back and glare at him, hands on my hips.

"You know what I mean," I say in a no nonsense tone. "I've told you where we stand, Jamie Finnegan."

He shrugs then leans against the doorframe and crosses his arms over his chest. "You know, I can easily stop you from entering unless you sleep with me."

I roll my eyes. "We had this discussion last time. If you do that I'll just take my business elsewhere."

His arms drop to his side and he looks deflated. "So this is a business visit?" he asks in a flat tone.

"I'm afraid so."

He takes a step back inside and takes hold of the door. "Well too bad, I'm not doing business for you anymore, Teresa. I don't know what you're on but after this Russell thing, I want nothing to do with your shenanigans."

I watch as he begins to close the door. Desperate for his help I take two quick steps and catch my shoe between the frame and the door.

"Please don't do this, Jamie," I plead. "I really need your help. I can easily find someone but you're the only one I trust."

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