38. The right decision?

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Hi guys, well here it is. The last chapter. ATB is coming to an end. I hope you enjoy the last chapter. It's a nice long and juicy one for you. ;) <3

Remember to read my author's note at the end.


This realisation shocks me but I also feel a sudden sense of relief. All this time I've been worried and Mum was right the whole time. I'll just know and it's not possible to be in love with two people.

I don't have time to contemplate this before Jamie's lips capture mine. I melt into his arms and return the kiss just as eagerly as he is giving it. Our arms wrap around each other tightly as the kiss deepens. Every inch of my body is on fire. All I want is Jamie. As his hands run through my hair and roam my body, I feel myself losing control. I'm not aware of anything else around me. Just Jamie and me.

For the first time ever I know how I feel. I know what I want and I'm not scared. Not anymore. Or is that just the kiss that's causing me to feel this way? Either way I like it. If I could feel like this all the time, I would have a carefree life.

"Let's go inside," Jamie says breathily in my ear. "You know you want me." I can hear the smirk in his voice but for once I don't deny it. The truth is...he's right.

I only manage a quick nod before he captures my lips again and we start walking backwards. Jamie's hands are now making their way under my shirt and when his fingers touch my skin, it feels like bolts of electricity. When my back hits the screen door, we break away from our kiss. Jamie's eyes are smouldering as they hold mine and I can see the lust in them. The break from our kiss has me thinking and it's now I'm able to really think about who I love...it's Jamie.

Jamie's hand comes up to run through my hair as he leans in for another kiss. Our lips just brush and I feel another zing of electricity when suddenly—

"Teresa? Everything okay?" Julian's voice filters outside.

Oh my god. I curse then push Jamie back so hard he stumbles and almost falls over. I step away from the door then smooth down my hair and straighten my dress. When I let my gaze land on Jamie I expect him to look angry.  I'm surprised to see he doesn't. That same smirk is still there. His eyes continue to smoulder as he stares back at me. It feels as though they're burning right through me.

Remembering Julian called, a rush of guilt overpowers me. What the hell am I doing?

"Teresa?" His voice is closer and when I spin around, he appears behind the screen door at the same time. His brow is furrowed with worry. "Are you okay?"

He opens the door and steps out, standing next to me. I don't get a chance to respond before he looks from me to Jamie. The look on his face is unreadable. It's his rigid posture that gives it away. He's suspicious.

I swallow the lump in my throat and force a smile. "Yes I'm fine," I lie. The truth is I'm not fine. I'm in even more of a fix than I was a few moments ago. "I'm sorry, I got caught up talking. This is my...uh...my—"

Jamie interrupts me, "Colleague." I turn to look at him. He steps forward and extends a hand to Julian. "I'm Jamie, how you doing?"

I look back at Julian only to see him stick his nose up slightly, ignoring Jamie's hand. Then I look back to Jamie again. It's like I'm watching a tennis match. Although one thing I notice is neither of them are looking at me now. Both of them have unreadable expressions on their faces but their dark, stormy eyes give away everything as they stare each other down.

"Yes," I say, playing along, "colleague."

I feel Julian's arm wrap around my waist and he pulls me to him protectively. A sure sign that he's marking his territory. Someone is jealous.

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