26. Keeping the bitterness buried

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Hi guys, huge, huge, HUGE apologies for the delay. I hope you can find it within you to forgive me. I know I said I'd update last week but it just didn't happen. I've been really busy. Anyway I hope this chapter makes up for it. Happy reading! Let me know what you think. <3


As I stare at Russell I try and gauge what sort of reaction I’m going to get but fail. His face is crossing with so many emotions I really have no clue. Disbelief, happiness, confusion, shock. Then again I haven’t seen a flash of anger yet so I guess that’s one positive.

The confession overall went well. The only thing I didn’t tell him was my addiction to wedding gifts. No one is to know about that. I stuck to a similar story to what I told Jamie, that I was helping jilted men. Although I made him believe he and Jamie were the only ones I was helping. I don’t really want him knowing I’m going to continue doing this.

Now I’m impatiently waiting to see what Russell is going to do. I’m getting a little jumpy now because it’s been at least five minutes since Beatrice poked her head out. She’s going to soon start wondering what’s keeping us. While Russell digests the information overload I decide to put my wig back on. The last thing I want is for Beatrice, or Bronco for that matter, to come out and see me as someone else.

It seems putting the wig back on has sparked a reaction from Russell. When he finally speaks it comes out as a croak.

“But…but our marriage—or whatever it is—is illegal.”

Well this is promising. He’s not yelling and he’s not freaking out. Typically Russell, he’s more worried about the legalities of it.

“So is adopting a baby and claiming it as our own,” I point out.

When he looks at me I see a dazed look in his eyes. The poor guy is in a total state of shock. Yet I know I’ve done the right thing. Once he’s come to terms with it he’ll see it too.

Russell releases a long, drawn out sigh then sits down on the step. “If my parents find out…” he runs a hand through his hair then rests his elbows on his thighs and places his head in his hands. After a few moments of silence he looks up at me, his brow is creased in worry. “If they find out then I’m doomed. I’m 35 now so I’ll miss out on the inheritance all together.”

“They don’t—”

Russell cuts me off, “—and don’t forget if they report us, which they will, god knows how long we’ll spend in jail.”

He’s getting worked up again so I sit down next to him and take his hand. “Russell, please just listen for a minute. They won’t find out because I don’t intend to tell them. I know Jamie won’t either but it’s really just up to you not to say anything.” I give him a side on glance. “I’m doing you a favour, Russell. Your family’s contract is ridiculous, you shouldn’t have to get married and have children just to get your inheritance. Normal people just have it left to them upon their parents’ death.”

“My family isn’t normal,” Russell mutters, a small smile on his lips.

“And that’s why I did this, why we’re going to follow through with it so you get your money.”

“And Jamie’s.”

I shrug. “Yes and Jamie’s.”

Russell is silent for a moment. I take this time to take a few deep breaths and calm myself down. I can feel the blood rushing through my veins as adrenalin runs through them. It wasn’t easy confessing, fearing what Russell’s reaction would be. Now that I know he’s not going to totally flip, I feel a little better.

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