30. Difficult choices

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Dedicated to @PeteStanbridge for his constant support while I've been writing this. Even though it's a ChickLit story, he's reading it and actually ejoying it. He even puts up with me and encourages me even though I'm constantly writing. :) Love you <3

Hi guys, here is the new chapter. I hope you don't mind long chapters because this is a nice long, juicy one for you. As always, happy reading and let me know what you think!


I step away from my desk at work, wave goodbye to my colleagues and walk out of the office. I open the front door and Babette appears at the same time and stops right in front of me, blocking my exit.

“Where are you going?” she demands, placing her flabby arms on her hips. “It’s not five o’clock yet.” She looks at her watch and gasps. “Good lord, you’re an hour early!” She steps inside the door, knocking me backwards with her large stomach then grabs my arm, “Get back behind the desk,” she says as she drags me back toward it, “we still have work to do.

My god this woman is a beast. I’m trying to struggle free but it’s impossible. I can’t even break free for the life of me. She has the grip of a sumo wrestler.

Somehow, I have no idea how she manages it, I’m forced back onto my chair behind the reception desk. I blink in confusion and shake my head. What the hell just happened?

Standing up again I give her an evil glare and say, “No one touches me, Babette. For your information I have approval to finish early.”

She huffs. “I didn’t give you approval.”

God I hate Babette sometimes…no scratch that I hate her all the time.

“I don’t need yourapproval,” I retaliate. “Naomi approved it. You know her don’t you? She’s our manager. If I remember correctly, you’re the same level as me. A pleb.” I make sure the sarcasm is evident in my voice.

Babette glares at me and purses her lips together. In the end she turns her attention to a phone call and I take that opportunity to walk out. God she’s a bitch. In case you didn’t notice, we still don’t get on. Before it was because she had a crush on Gregory. Now, a month after I left him, she still hates me. I really have no idea what her problem is.

I walk out the front doors and pull my coat tighter around me. Winter has come early and today in particular is freezing. It’s been wet and dreary all day and now I have to walk to my car in it. I stay under the shelter for a moment and glance at my surrounds. The rain is splattering on the pavement. It’s only as I’m digging in my shoulder bag for an umbrella that I hear my name called.

I stop what I’m doing and close my eyes momentarily in an attempt to calm down. It’s a voice that suddenly makes my stomach break out in butterflies and my knees weaken. When I open my eyes again, I stare straight into his aqua blue ones. Today they look about as confused and mixed up as I feel.

It’s been five days since we’ve seen each other.

“Jamie, hi,” I greet awkwardly. I adjust the bag on my shoulder then tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. “How did you know where I worked?”

He looks at me like I’ve lost the plot. “Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I’ve been here before.”

I feel my face heat up. God I’m such an idiot. I giggle nervously and shrug. “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking. So what are you doing here then?”

“I have an appointment with my lawyer.”

My stomach drops at this as I fear the worst. I’m about to ask if we have been caught out when Jamie adds, “It’s just a follow up appointment. I guess he wants to make sure I’m on my best behaviour.”

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