A Human?

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Dear Readers

I just want to say thank you a million times over for deciding to read Magick Untold: N'ala Iluve. This is the first part in the series and can be considered the prologue to the main story. Kind of how "The Hobbit" is to "The Lord of the Rings". Except this is going to be much shorter. In fact, the entire thing is up already for you to read. You might see minor changes over time but nothing dramatic. 

Just a warning, this is my first novel and this first chapter is going to be more fleshed out than the rest. I am also a terrible editor, hence my need for hiring one. 

I will add appropriate artworks and such as I get them. Having good artwork is VERY expensive after all. 

Please let me know if the italics for self-directed speech are overkill. I only used it in the first chapter because I am unsure if it is really necessary throughout the novel.

Oh. I should mention there is a glossary. It is the 6 chapter in this book and contains only crucial information such as currency, characters, measurements, translations, and races. 

I love feedback and appreciate every comment.



"Hey watch where your walking mister!"

Did some idiot just run into me full speed and have the balls to blame me for it? "You're the one who ran into me!" To late. The prick was already well on their way running off to who knows where. "Hey get back here!" The girl on the run clearly did not fit into Shedeth with her dark brown robe that was covering her entire body except for her overly cute face. Based on her facial features and the strands of hair that crept out of her hood she appeared to be a natural green-eyed red head with fair skin. The robe combined with her running amok made her stand out and made heads turn as she ran off into the distance.

"I'll get you back after my meeting with the Doyen, that is for running into me!"

That isn't even funny. She ran into me and ran off without an apology for it. "What do you mean later... and I did not run into you, wait did you say Doyen?!" The Doyen are the elders of Shedeth and make all of the major decisions. Free popcorn for the evening? Fired for chewing gum? You name it, if they want it and there are enough votes, it will happen.

To his dismay, the girl was gone in the time it took to blink three times. It is going to be hard to find someone so fleet footed without using magick. I could definitely use some magick and catch up with her but if she is meeting with the Doyen then it may be best if I didn't.

The town of Shedeth is a central hub for many races to trade their goods across Syldarim. As such, the use of Magick is not exactly forbidden in the main trading streets but it is typically looked down upon as it will usually disrupt some work or other.

What a chaotic girl! I wonder what her race is? Damn good way to start off your 200th centenary. I mean this is Shedeth! This place is supposed to be known for its peace and people like her go around running into things with little to no apologies. Why is there an outlander in the countryside, we haven't had a new arrival in how long now... well it's been a long time. "Despite that, she made a good choice in choosing Shedeth, it is definitely one of the best places to live in all of Syldarim. Everyone has heard of our broken and beautiful trees."

Having so many grassy rolling hills and dense fabled woods, Shedeth has become one of the top seven locations in Syldarim to live. Adding to the prestige of Shedeth, the woods are of a strange sort. There is a rumor that hundreds of thousands of years ago an overly powerful witch cast an enchantment on them to be in a constant state of autumn. Why would someone even bother casting a magick to make it eternally autumn... at least there is no shortage of beautiful yellow, orange, and red leaves in Shedeth!

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