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I knew such spells existed but damn, that seems a bit overpowered to be able to move that fast! I could barely keep track of him as he ran into the house!

"Ugh, now I have to wait... I wonder what it was he had to warn Rumala of and how is it for my own safety?! I have so many questions to ask him. Like, where did he learn that spell? I only now shitty support magick. I'll be useless if we have to fight a monster."

"Now then don't say that Josay, support magick is extremely important for the beginning, middle, and end of battles."

"You really think I can be of use?" Why is he so nice to me, I even whipped an apple at him today.

He just killed the moment with that face. Why does he have to ponder that after saying such things?

"Of course I do! In a solo battle you would be utterly useless but, with some offensive magick you're great!"

No shit. I need to learn some offensive magick from him during our random adventure we are being sent on. "Thanks Danos, can we go to your house yet?"

"Yup, I even prepared a bed for you to sleep in while we wait for news on our expedition."

No way I could hide my shock at that! "You really prepared that fast and you warned Rumala of whatever too? That spell is really something!" He even made a bed for me!!

Waving his hand so violently like that...he doesn't need to deny my compliment so vehemently.

"No no no, the spell isn't mastered yet; I can only use dragon speed right now."

"Eh, dragon? Is that what you said in your spell?" I am even more interested in finding out how he learned a dragons spell. I heard such spells were lost with the disappearance of the dragons themselves!

"Well part of it was but, anyway, that's not important right now. When we get into the house, keep a firm hold of my hand. I am going to use teleportation magick to get us from the entrance and to my room. If we can, we will avoid all the other people here."

Ehhhhh? Why does he have to hide me from people at a party? It can't be...

"Have you never brought a woman home or something? I have never been teleported by magick anywhere! I'll get sick or something I know it!"

"No you won't, it will only take a seco—"

"Why do we have to use teleportation anyway, can't we just run for it?"

"Uh, no, not exactly... my room has no doors so that I can have privacy. I am the only one in my family that can use magick good enough to use teleportation."

That is so cool! "But I still don't want to do it..." Why are we going to his room right away anyway?

"Too bad, now then grab hold, we're here."

"No waiii..." Fuoosh

• • •

"Oh dear mother of all babies. I said not to do that!" I was close to tears from that, it felt like my body was being wrenched away to a far away place and being compressed at the same time. How can people use that all the time! Now he has a smug face, he probably knew full well what it is like the first time someone teleports!

"Pfft. You'll get used to it in no time considering we will be traveling together."

"Whatever! Just give me more warning the next time!"

"Like you did with the apple?"

What a pest. This guy, this trip is going to suck with him if this keeps up! Why does he look so confused about something in his own room? "Oi, have you never seen something that is in your own room before?"

Magick Untold: N'ala IluveWhere stories live. Discover now