Chance Meeting

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I really don't want to go in here, I don't know what to expect at home on party nights. Rumala might even have magick set up this year.

Over the last 200 years, Rumala has been picking up on magick bit by bit. For an elf, she is disappointingly bad at magick.

Crossing my fingers as I stepped through the door—


Damn that door! So much for sneaking in. It was a simple magick, just a motion alarm really. Maybe I should start learning some detection incantations?

"Danos! Where have you been, I've been waiting forever for you to get back here!"

No peace tonight I suppose, "Hey Rumala, you'll never guess what happened toni—"


What the? Long distance telepathy? Just how powerful is Lyir?

That caught her attention. "Oh? What happened?"

"I was just..." I need a topic changer and fast! "...I was just wondering why my last name is Echee when my parents' last names are Eillynkash." Well, it doesn't really suit the situation but I have always wondered it myself.

She looked genuinely surprised at that. Fair enough, I would be too if my son had not asked about his name when he is several thousand years old.

"We never told you? We didn't give you our last name as well because we had... how would you say it... a premonition that you were special somehow. We felt that you had to have a surname unique to only you."

Wow, I'm glad I thought to ask that. Premonition huh? Maybe she is right considering what happened tonight.

"So did Emcess come over with the ingredients?"

"Oh yes, he arrived a while ago, thanks for getting the stuff."

Disaster averted! I don't want to imagine what Lyir would do if I told someone regardless of his warning.

"Anytime Rumala. I'm going up to my room now so push the buzzer when you want me to come down."

Ah, I love being able to use short distance teleportation. Being the only one in the family that can use magick at a reasonable skill level is great! This way I can have peace and quiet because my room can only be entered through teleportation.

Fuoosh! Now then time for a nap in peace and quiet until the party starts.



I bolt upright ready for battle. Oh, just the alarm. Jeez, why did I install such a loud buzzer? "I'll be down in a minute Rumala!" I guess it's party time.

I'm really not one for parties of this sort. Lots of people. Lots of noise. Lots of bad decisions; I remember a time that I drank a bit too much and set a load of traps all over the estate. Traps that I had set to detonate on anyone who came across them. What a mess there was when I tried to get to the toilet. Then there was the foyer, the dining room, the garden, the common area. I think it took me until late that evening to find them all without destroying too much of the estate. That reminds me, will that girl Lyir told me about really coming to our place tonight?


"Danos it's about time ya got down here! Hurry up or yer gonna miss out on the Waiss!"

Noisy. "Shhh. Not so loud Emcess, I just woke up."

"Nonsense! Have some Waiss to wake yerself up!"

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