Chapter 3

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 Special thanks to molsss for making the awesome book cover!



Ch. 3 Windsor Academy 

Since no one was at the door, Zoe offered to show me around Chicago. At first I declined, but what else did I have to do in this strange, mysterious place? “Okay, you are so going to love Chicago! We can go to Buckingham Fountain, and Hancock Observatory, AND Lincoln Zoo!!!!!” Zoe said with a little too much enthusiasm. “Whatever.” “Hey, Arin if you don’t want to go you don’t have to…” said Zoe, was she trying to make me feel horrible? “No, Zoe it’s just… I mean I … Let’s get this show on the road!” Yay me! Note the sarcasm.

“This is actually pretty cool; this is the best ice-cream ever!” Somehow, this day was going pretty great. Zoe turned out to be a really nice person, after one day of bonding I could already feel us becoming best friends. It was nice knowing I could actually talk to Zoe without her judging me. With my friends back in New York, you always had to keep your guard up. Say one wrong thing around them and they acted like you where dumb. Sigh, what it takes to be popular…. “I told you! My mom and I used to go here all the time. Well, that is before she started that crazy diet…” Zoe said. “Ha! So Zoe, where’s your dad?” It was a random question, but I was curious. “Well, um, he kind of left my mom a year ago. He met this new girl at his work, he told us he had to start working late again. As if, two months later he filed for divorce and moved in with that lady. Last I heard, she was pregnant. The last time he called, it was to ask me to be in his wedding. I haven’t really talked to him since…” Whoa, I thought I had it hard. At home, I used to complain about my mom not getting me the right skin foundation. At least I was close to my parents. Zoe’s dad just left.. “Oh Zoe, I had no idea, I’m so sor,” Zoe then cut me off. “No, it’s fine. Don’t be sorry for something you didn’t do.” “Zoe,” I tried again, but she cut me off yet again. “Look! It’s our school! Windsor School for the Elites!”

            Windsor? No way. No freaking way.  I thought my school in New York was pretty spectacular, but this was like the most high up school in Chicago. How am I supposed to go here? No way. No. We were eating dinner at home, so I brought up the issue, “Um, Aunt M, there’s a mistake right? I’m not really going to Windsor…right?” With a smile on her face, Aunt M said, “Of course you are dear! You start Monday! I thought you’d be happy! It is a spectacular,” Before she was finished I was already half way to my room, “Goodnight!” I yelled out. Why this school? NO, better yet why me? It’s hard enough trying to fit in, now I have to go to Windsor? That school is filled with a bunch of rich snobs! I mean, that’s kind of what I am, but that is so not the point. I don’t want to go to school; I don’t want to have to face new people. What if they ask about why I’m here? I can’t handle that. It sucks being the new girl. I can’t do this. My parents won’t be able to drop me off the first day of starting a new school; they won’t be there to ask me about my new teachers, or hear me complain. Suddenly I heard a strange racking noise coming from somewhere. Seconds later, I realized it was me. That’s when I really started to sob. Why me?

2 days later:

            “ARIN, WAKE UP! WE’RE GOING TO BE LATE!” Ugh, why is Zoe yelling at me at 6 in the morning? “ARIN DE LA ROSA! I AM NOT KIDDING! GET UP, OR I WILL COME IN THERE AND GET YOU UP MYSELF!”

UGH! Please, like she’d really do anything. “I’m UP. Gosh, Zoe. LEAVE ME ALONE! I’ll be down in a minute!” Ew, it’s 6:30. Why so early? I sadly got out of my bed and promised I’d be back later… okay that’s a little weird. Anyway, I walked into my bathroom and put on that oh so stylish school uniform that everyone had to wear. Lucky me, I got to choose between the blazer and the cardigan. I’m so lucky (Note the sarcasm). Choosing the cardigan because it was so much more practical, I put on the school uniform, complete with the skirt. YAY! Thankfully, I got to choose my own shoes and decided on my red Toms. Deciding not to do anything special with my hair, I put it up in a ponytail and put on the minimal amount of makeup. Deciding I looked decent enough, I grabbed my school bag and made my slow descent down the stairs.

            “Finally,” screamed Zoe. “I swear if we’re late…” Ugh. “Oh, be quite Zoe. Let’s go before we ARE late.” Walking out the door I heard Aunt Marie say, “Aren’t you hungry Arin?” “Not really, I have a granola bar. Thanks anyway Aunt M.” I replied. “Alright dears, be safe. And Arin, have a great first day!” Awe, Aunt M made me smile. “Arin, you’ll be fine. I promise.” I heard Zoe say next to me. “I know, it’s just… I don’t know. Nerves.” I wasn’t really lying. I mean, okay I was a little, I AM nervous, but I just don’t have the heart to go to school. I actually really don’t want to go today. I’d rather be in that sweet, sweet bed. “We’re here,” Zoe practically screamed in my ear, “Okay, Arin the office is over there and your first class, English room 107, is right over there. I’ll see you at lunch!” Oh great. “Bye, Zoe.” I said halfheartedly as she started walking the opposite way.

Okay, I can do this! I’m Arin De La Rosa for crying out loud! Quickly making my way over to the direction Zoe pointed me in, I found my class. I slipped in and felt relief because it looked like I was actually early.  Slowly, more and more students walked into the room as the bell rang. Okay, I can do this. “Good morning class, it looks like we have a new student today. Arin De La Rosa? Can you please come to the front?” The teacher said. Oh my gosh, I can’t do this. Getting up, I made my way to the front of the room. I could literally feel the eyes boring into my back. “Um, hi?” I stuttered. “Good morning, Arin. I’d just like you to say a few words about yourself to the class.” This is not happening. “Okay… My name’s Arin De La Rosa. I just moved from here from New York?” Gosh, I hated how everything was coming out as a question. I cannot believe I’m this scared. From the back of the room, a voice asked in an amused voice, “Why’d you move?” It was an easy question, but I could feel myself hyperventilating. “Oh um, you know, personal reasons.” I whispered.  In that moment all I wanted, was to go home to my mom and my dad laughing in the kitchen. And I most definitely didn’t want to be at Windsor. “Thank you Arin. You may take your seat,” said the teacher. I made it to my seat as fast as I could, but that didn’t stop the hushed whispers.

            Great, just great. This day is off to a tremendous start! 

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