Chapter 8

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A/N: Not sure if I'm going to keep this chapter or not... let me know what you guys think!!

Warning: Mild violence


"We should all go shopping tomorrow." Tatum suggested, nodding to Angela.

Angela finished emptying a bag of Doritos into a bowl, pondering this. "Definitely. I need some new clothes."

"Ugh, me too." Tatum nodded, dragging a case of beer out of the fridge and setting it on the counter. "You sure things are cool with you at home and all?"

"Positive." She assured her, the bag crinkling as she folded it and stuffed it back into the cupboard.

Somehow, Angela had allowed Tatum to persuade her into hanging around just until Stu got back from smoking with his sleazy friends. He'd informed Angela that he didn't get the chance to spark up often with Billy calling the shots. He was expected to take orders and stick to the plan. Besides, staying a bit longer was a good move on Angela's part. Heading out right after Billy's appearance could potentially pose a threat.

Though the prospect of spending a day shopping with them wasn't quite ideal, it'd be better for her image than laying around at home waiting for Billy to come creeping in her window again. Positioning herself up against the counter as Randy breezed in and grabbed a handful of Doritos, Angela watched him flick one at her.

"Well, Tatum, I wish I could say this has been fun."

"Whatever." She pressed her lips together. "I'll swing by with those movies tomorrow."

"Don't forget. It's a five dollar late charge."

Angela raised an eyebrow. "After 24 hours."

"Whose side are you on, Ang?"

"I'll see you tomorrow." She rolled her eyes at him, laughing.

As Randy left, Stu flounced in, bumping into his shoulder with a cheeky gin. Randy muttered something on his way out. Choosing to ignore it, Tatum looped her arm in Stu's and began a tirade of how awful his clothes reeked of pot. If Dewey got off patrol and smelled it, he'd flip, she promised him that.

"Well, I better get outta here." Angela jingled her car keys.

Stu tilted his head pointedly. "Geez, why so early?"

"Just really tired, that's all."


Angela nearly raced home. It wasn't that Angela didn't like Tatum. In fact, Tatum was promiscuous and superficial at first impression, but she had a good, caring heart. She was a good friend. As was Sidney, honestly. It was simply that Angela felt too irritated to sit around and mingle with a loved up Billy and Sidney.

Turning the wheel and bringing her car to a stop in the driveway, she had every intention of wiping her makeup off, rinsing her face and crawling into bed, enjoying a late night sitcom. Debating her sitcom options, she stuck the key into the door. Strangely enough, unlocking the front door lead her into a brightly lit foyer. Her Father should've been fast asleep by now.

"Angela?" His voice bellowed out. Tracing it to the dining room, she walked in and immediately wished she'd stayed at the party. "Angela, sit down a moment, please."

"David." She exclaimed, steadying herself by gripping the table.

He rose from his seat, all six feet and two inches of him towering over her. Offering her a pearly smile, his booming voice greeting her. "Angela."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2017 ⏰

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