Chapter 19: Whoops!

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The first week passed by quickly, and soon I had already been attending Cedar Creek for a month. I was proud to say I was not bullied, and I didn't get pestered. Christian's group accepted me really easily, and I found that we were all best friends in no time. The girls and I would go have coffee at Fusion, and we would go shopping from time to time. It was great. I have to say though I was wrong about them when I first met them.

You would think that Jaymie was the quiet type. She didn't talk much in the two classes I had with her. I quickily found out that she had a wild side. When her nose wasn't buried in a book, it was out partying. She was also apparently very kinky, and her and her boyfriend had lots of "fun times" as she put it.

I learned that Amy was a romanticist. She was always talking about what she would do if she were in a relationship, but not kinky things like Jaymie. She would talk about the latest gushy movie, or novel she had recently seen. She was also the sporty one in the group. She was the top varsity player for tennis, and reigning undefeated.

Then oh poor Mike. He clung on to everyone of Amy's words. He supported her at all her matches. He was practically begging for her to notice him, but she just brushed him off.

Shadow.. She was the silent one that nobody really knew about. She was a mystery, and she liked it that way. She was a rebel, but smart. She chose her battles wisely. She seemed to know everyone's secrets, except mine. Nobody knew yet.

On the other hand there was Skylar. He was definitely the odd one out in the group. I don't see why he stayed, but obviously him and Christian had some weird connection that I didn't understand. He was cold hearted and rude. Almost everything that came out of his mouth was offensive. When he was trying to be nice, he was really sweet. It was sickening. I knew I would have to loosen up. He was just a guy, right?

May was upon us, and there was a big dance coming up. I was surprised that they had dances at this school being a private school and all. There were poster for May Bash everywhere. There were huge banners hung in the hallways, and posters on every wall. I could tell this was their big event for the year.

When I sat down at our table for lunch, I wasn't surprised when I heard the topic of the conversation. Apparently, May Bash was more than just a dance. There were wild after parties. The theme this year for May Bash was famous couples throughout history.

I sat there absentmindedly half listening to their conversation. "Are you going, Quinn?" Jaymie asked.

As soon as they heard the question, six pairs of eyes watched me intensely. "What? Oh, uhh no." I replied. I guess I would go if someone asked me, but besides that I didn't really want to go.

"No? No? Quinn, are you crazy?!?!? This is like the biggest event of the year." Amy whined.

"May Bash is our group's thing. We always go no matter what. Plus, Skylar always throws the best after parties." Mike chimed in giving Skylar a high five.

"Well, I guess I would go if someone asked me. I don't really know anyone here but you guys." I replied. "Plus I'm not really a partier."

"Quinn, come on. You have to go." Jaymie pleaded. "Even if you don't get asked."

"Isn't the theme famous couples?" I said quizzically.

"Well, yeah, but that doesn't matter. You can come with us like a group thing." Jaymie said brushing off my question.

"I don't want to be a third wheel though." I said honestly.

"Technically it would be like a 13th wheel." Amy said in a smart ass tone. I really didn't want to be the odd one out, but I kinda felt obligated to go. I didn't want to let them down, or skip out on a "life changing experience" (in the words of Mike).

"That doesn't really help our argument, Amy." snapped Jaymie as she glared at Amy. "I promise you won't be an extra. Please come!!"

"Guys, if she doesn't want to go, she doesn't have to. You can't force her." Shadow said out of nowhere. Her tone insinuated that they needed to back off.

Jaymie sunk back into her seat, and started chatting with Amy about ideas for costumes. Shadow turned towards me. "Qui-" her words were interrupted by the bell.

"I'll tell you later." She said as we gathered our stuff and made our way to our next class.

Algebra was boring. Jaymie kept on pestering me about May Bash. Honestly, I wanted to go, but I couldn't go by myself. I would look lame. Jaymie was saying something about three person costumes so I wouldn't be left out. I was blocking her out. I tried to focus on the lesson being taught, but I couldn't. It was so boring. I only had to wait five minutes before the bell rang.

I was the first one out of the class. Jaymie didn't seem to notice, and started talking to some chick. I walked down the hall briskly.

Christian met me at my locker, and we walked to biology together. We talked about random stuff like the weather, and some of the ridiculous things that Brian and Mike say.

While in Biology, Christian kept silent. It was like he was thinking about something intensely. He had a determined look on his face. He was sitting in a seat diagonal from me. He looked over at me, and met my gaze.

I quickly looked away, and blushed. I hadn't realized I was staring. He let out a small chuckle. "Do you see something you like?" He asked me.

"Oh yes," I replied jokingly. "Your gorgeous abs that look like they were sculpted by the gods, your luscious hair that falls perfectly right above your eyes. Your eyes oh my! They are like deep dark chocolate that melt my soul." I said laying it on thick.

"Are you done, Miss Avery?" My head snapped up. Oh shit. Everyone was looking at me, including Mr. Hawthorne, my biology teacher. "That was quite poetic. You should remove yourself and your poetic license out of my classroom."

I just got kicked out of class. Shit. I gathered my stuff and left the room. I went to my locker. I could feel the anger burning inside of me. I opened my locker, and was pummeled by falling books. I caught a few of them, and let the rest fall. I readjusted the books, and shoved my biology stuff into the locker. I angrily slammed the locker, which happened to be on my hand.


"Quinn?" I expected to hear Christian's voice, but was met by a different familiar voice. My mouth dropped when I saw who it was.

----author note----

Tehehe. :) who is it?!?!? :D MUWAHAHAHAHA!!! Last update before I go on vacation for a week. :) see ya later biotches ;) I love you guys :))


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