Chapter 24: May Bash

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Today was the day, the big day. To some girls, this day was of equal importance as their wedding day. To me? It was another high school dance. I was excited because I was going with my new best friends. I was also excited because Amy was telling me about the after parties that were even better than the dance.

We had spent the night at Amy's house, and were heading to the mall to get our hair and makeup done. Last night we raided all of Amy's magazines searching for the hair we wanted. I settled on a soft French twist. It was simple, yet elegant. I thought it would look nice, since my dress was rather extravagant.

I sat quietly in the chair while the lady did my hair. I watched while she twisted and pinned my hair so perfectly. It didn't take very long. All the other girls were still getting their hair done, so I went to the food court to get something to eat.

I returned to them with bags of food. They looked at me like wild beasts. "Whatcha got there, Quinn?" Jaymie said looking up from her magazine.

"Oh, yeah know. A couple cheeseburgers, two pack of chicken strips, onion rings, and fries." I replied smiling.

"Do you plan on sharing?" She asked eyeing the bags.

"I'm pregnant. I have two people to feed." I winked.

She glared at me jokingly. "What's for me?"

"I got you and Shadow the chicken, and Amy and me the burgers." I answered. "Do you want them now?"

"Yes please! I'm starving." Amy chimed. I handed them their food. We all munched happily.

Our makeup didn't take very long after hair, so we headed back to Amy's to get changed. Amy was wearing a jeweled dress. It had a blue corset top, and the skirt part fanned out in pink. She wore matching pink gloves. Her hair was in a twisted updo with pink and blue flowered jewels.

Jaymie had found a very nice dress. It was the mermaid style, like mine, but a aquamarine color. It had gold sequins everywhere, and was a halter at the top. Her hair was poofed at the top, and came down in beautiful blonde curls that were reigned in by a hair tie.

Shadow, oh Shadow. I was surprised she took out her piercings. Her face looked, not to be rude, plain. Her makeup was simple, shiny silver eyeshadow. There was no trance of the heavy black eyeliner she normally used. Her dress hugged her features, and made her skin glow. Her black hair was the only reminder of her gothic self, and it was pinned up in a curly bun. Sitting on her crown was a small silver tiara. She really looked like a princess.

It was around 8:15 when the guys showed up. It was funny watching Christian, Brian, Mike, and Skylar fidget in their suits and tuxes. Amy was right when she had said Christian's suit looked just like the one from the Little Mermaid. It had the gold tassels and everything.

Jaymie was the first to meet with our dates. She gracefully floated down the staircase. She took her place at Brian's side. He looked very sharp. He was sporting a very nice white tux with gold trim, and a blue bow tie, a good look for him.

Amy was next. She too walked with a grace unknown to me. She casually walked to Mike, trying not to look over eager. I watched as she blushed when Mike put the corsage on her wrist. It was so sweet.

Skylar paced nervously in his black suit, and a silver tie. Christian put a hand on his shoulder. Shadow ascended down the stairs. Skylar took her hand, and placed his lips to it. She blushed. It was all so cute.

Now it was my turn to go down the steps. I had checked myself in the mirror a millions times. You didn't even notice my baby bump, and hopefully tonight I would forget about all that.

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