Chapter 22: What Are Friends For?

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I ripped the note and necklace out of my locker and delivered it to the nearest trash can. I was surprised I didn't freak out. I was just a bit shocked Derek got into my school, and found my locker. The only person that would know relatively where my locker is that talks to Derek would be Tyler, and Tyler's not a douche. He may have kissed me, but he wouldn't do that to me.

I continued to my next class as normal, and went home once school got out. I didn't tell anyone. Nobody needed to know. I had an uneventful dinner with my parents. They seemed to be more distant since their fight. It scared me to see them not close.

After dinner I went up to my room and did homework. Later I asked my mom about going shopping and to the movies with the girls. She said I could go, and gave me some money. She seemed happy I was making new friends so quickly. I felt happy. Genuinely happy for the first time in months.

My parents had gone to bed, and I was lying down texting Christian and Shadow. My stomach started to growl, and I soon had the odd sensation to eat pickles. I tried to ignore it. A couple minutes later, it growled again, so I was forced to get up and get some pickles.

Not bothering to turn the lights on, I scanned the fridge, and noticed some jello and chocolate pie. I grabbed the pickles along with the other two and sat them down on the bar. I started noisily munching on them. They tasted so good.

While in my bliss, the lights turned on. "Quinn." My mother asked shocked to see my mouth stuffed with random food.

"Yes mother?" I answered but it sounded more like yurs mufur.

"What are you doing? It's midnight !" She questioned.

I swallowed my food. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. I was really craving pickles, then I saw the jello and the pie. I couldn't help myself. Why are you down here?"

"I came to get a glass of water. Just make sure to clean up your mess." She said smiling. My mother was so pretty when she smiled. It made me want to cry, and I did. "Quinn, why are you crying?"

"I'm sorry, mom. Your smile is so pretty." I said in between sobs.

"Honey, it's just your pregnant emotions. It will pass." She said rubbing my back in comfort. I stopped crying, and continued eating a pickle. My mom chuckled and got her glass of water and went upstairs.

After I had finished the jar of pickles, I cleaned everything up. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and saw I had a couple texts from Christian. I had forgotten to text him back. Uh oh.

What are you doing? -C

Hello? -C

Quinn, is everything alright? -C

I laughed. I could imagine the worried look on his face. He was so cute when he was worried. I texted him back.

Sorry, pregnant girl cravings got the better of me. I forgot to text you back. Whoops. -Q

I was headed upstairs when I heard a subtle knock on the door. Oh gosh. Christian must have gotten worried about me. I walked over to the door, and opened it. It was not Christian.

Derek. Derek was at my door, standing in the rain. He was wearing a rain jacket, and jeans. His hair was soaked, and his eyes were filled with pain and regret. He looked at me with longing. I looked down at myself. I was wearing fuzzy penguin pajamas and a tank top. I looked back at Derek.

"Derek! What are you doing here! I thought it was obvious that I didn't want to get back together with you. You need to leave. Go home! I don't want you here." I whisper-yelled.

He took a step towards me. "Just let me in, Quinn. We need to talk."

"You are not welcome in this house. Let me grab a coat, and we can talk outside." I grabbed my yellow rain jacket and stepped outside. "What do you want, Derek." I said with an unanimated voice.

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