Chapter 3- A do over✅

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Innana got up form bed Saturday morning. She didn't get any sleep at all. She went to the bathroom washed her face and brushed her teeth.

"Ana?" The demon called when she realized the space beside her was empty. It was 7am.

"Yes!" Innana replied from the bathroom and came out in track suite.

"Where are you going?"

"A run."


"I need to clear my head and I honestly need to lose all this weight."  Innana sat on the bed and put on her socks followed by her neon green running sneakers.

"You look ok just the way you are."

"Thanks for lieing to make me feel better but I'm still going for my run." Innana said.

"I'm not lieing but I know I can't stop you. I'll be here enjoining my Saturday morning like a normal person."

Innana scoffed. "You're not a normal person."

"Neither are you. Your point?" Savvina said snuggling into the pillow.

Innana rolled her eyes.

"Since you're going for a run take the dogs." Savvina said.

"Which ones?"

"I meant all of them. The pups included."

"I can't walk 8 dogs."

"Yes you can. They are growing pretty fast and need to get out of the house."

"Then place them on the lawn or something." Innana said

"Please just do it."

Innana huffed. "Fine." She got the leaches and clipped the dogs to them. The pups where already quite big. Not a surprise considering the fact they were half Canine and half whatever Suki was.

"Thanks. I love you." The demon Yelled as Innana left the room.

"Fuck you." The human said and slammed the door shut. Savvina chuckled and went back to sleep.

Innana jogged all the way to the park. Apparently she wasn't the only one out as she had hoped she would be. After a few laps she sat down and let the dogs play in the grass. She closed her eyes for a while.

What did she want in life? To be happy. Was she happy? Maybe. She wanted to be alive and right now she didn't feel like she was living. To be honest she was miserable. She couldn't get her thoughts together.

She didn't know what she wanted anymore. She wanted to play the violin and be happy with her girlfriend but she felt empty. The space in her heart that was once occupied by family was left void. She wanted to change her name she had already changed her look. She didn't want to keep going by the name Innana. Every time she heard it it reminded her that she was alone.

Savvina might have said she had her and Von and Kamara and Osmian but that wasn't enough. She didn't have someone to turn to. If things with Savvina went down hill her whole life would be shattered. She didn't have a place to stay or any means of supporting herself.

Innana was very happy with her relationship but doubts kept slipping in along the cracks of her mind.

What of she cheated?

What if she doesn't love you anymore?

The biggest one that had been bugging her was the fact that if they did stay together Innana would age and eventually die, leaving the demon alone.

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