Chapter 12- The big reveal.

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The two were in each others arm. Savvina had her arm secured around Innana's bump as she rubbed it. For once she felt at peace, not with the world, but with herself. It felt like nothing could go wrong.

Savvina had been staring at the human for minutes. She was so pretty when she was asleep hut she loved looking Into Innana's lime green eyes.

"Stop it." Innana croaked out. Her eyes still closed.

"Stop what?"

"This. Staring at me."

"I didn't want to wake you."

The humans eyes fluttered open. But yet you were rubbing my belly."

Savvina smiled and continued to do it. She then moved down and put her head by Innana's belly.

"What are you doing?" The human asked.

Savvina ignored her. "Hey there little one. Its your mom speaking. I know you can hear me."

"Nope." Innana said and Savvina glared at her.

"Let me have my moment woman."

Innana put her hands up in surrender but with a smile on her face. "Sorry mommy bear."

"Don't call me that." Innana laughed. "As I was saying. I just wanted you to know I love you and so does your mama. We love you and we'll do anything to protect you and make you happy."

Innana couldn't stop the smile that crept up on her face. Then she felt a kick and moved Savvina's hand there.

"I told you. My baby is gonna rule the world."

"First of all, its our baby and second of all let the baby get here first before ruling the world." Innana said.

Savvina moved and hovered over Innana and stars into those fiery green orbs. Their faces were only a few inches apart. Innana moved her head up and captured her girlfriend lips.

Savvina moved to her neck leaving love bites from her neck to shoulder. Innana pulled her tank top over her head and Savvina placed kissed on her chest to the valley of her cleavage.

Sometimes if felt like they had sex all the time to Savvina, she wasn't complaining. To Innana it wasn't enough. Her hormones were everywhere and she couldn't contain it.

Savvina kissed Innana's moulds but intentional ignoring the the cherry on top.

"Savvina Vucasin. Do. Not. Teas. Me." Innana warned through ragged breaths.

Savvina smirked and moved to her nipple making Innana moan out loud.

"This feels so good." Innana moaned out.

Savvina sucked and swirled her tongue around it. Innana grabbed her head and brought it to her lips and kissed her with so much hunger.

"Someone is impatient." Savvina said.

"One more smart ass comment and imma leave." Innana said.

"As if. You and I know your not going anywhere." Savvina said

Innana eyed her almost like she was daring her. "Bea got me a vibrator last week and I haven't tried it out. Don't test me."

Savvina nodded her head and went back to kissing her. Innana flipped them and straddled the demon. She felt Savvina's hard on poking her entrance she just wanted it inside her.

The human started grinding on Savvina making her hard as stone. Savvina was surprised when Innana pulled of her shirt and shorts throwing it behind her.

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