chapter 2 ( I have no name for it)

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Aphmau woke up on the couch and looked around and saw katelyn in the kitchen making something. Katelyn picked up a cup and walked into the lounge and handed Aphmau a drink

" Thank you" Aphmau thanked katelyn " Why was I asleep on the couch ?"

"You fell asleep after our make out. You looked too comfortable to move and I didn't want to wake you." Katelyn said as she sat down. Aphmau moved her legs and sat up straight( which she'll never be... I'll go home..) katelyn sat closer and wrapped her arm around aphmau

"When I was asleep I kept on seeing a giant panther prowling in front of me" Aphmau talked about her dream. Aphmau put her head on katelyns neck as she plays with aphmaus hair. She took a sip from her cup

" This is really nice what is it?" Aphmau asks

" it's a mix of chocolate and caramel. It's a family recipe" She says

Aphmaus pov

I felt my heart beating fast. My face burning just like it did... wait.. how long was I asleep

" Katelyn?" I ask

"Yes" she says

" how long was I asleep" I say

" you were broken up with yesterday" She said

" Have you gotten any sleep?" I ask her

"No. Not yet but being by your side is more enjoyable than sleeping" she says. I put my cup on the coffee table. I put my hands on her face she seems to laugh at that. I my thumbs move to the corner of her mouth. Katelyn smiles at me she has.... fangs. I just freeze. She tilts her head in confusion... "Aphmau... my fangs ... " she laughed

" your.... a vampire" I yell " that is so COOL"

She laughed at me. Katelyns lips press against mine. Being kissed by a vampire is very... well I fainted...

I had another dream that same giant panther sat at the edge of my bed. I woke up in my bed. Katelyn was sat at the edge of my bed.

"Your finally awake" katelyn says

I laughed

I sit up and tell katelyn to come sit next to me
She kisses me this time I didn't faint. She teased me . I started tugging and pulling on her clothes. She towered above me. She pulled my shirt off

" Aphmau!" Aaron yelled running up the stairs " Aphmau I was so stupid and I should of never broken up with you. Will- "

He saw me and katelyn making out on my bed. Katelyn still had her shirt on. She got up and walked to Aaron. She grabbed his neck... and said " Too bad she's found someone better... Move... On" she let go and pushed him. Katelyn walked towards me and sat beside me "sorry you had to see that"

Ones Desires- Katemau AUWhere stories live. Discover now