chapter 11

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Aphmaus pov

Vlyad lunged at katelyn. She spun him around and held his arms down and held his head in a headlock "I will be in a second." She said

"Katelyn. Vlyad calm down" katelyn let's go of Vlyad. He drops the stake. "Sorry" Vlyad said "Yeh, whatever" katelyn said. Vlyad had left. Katelyn and I went back into the house. Katelyn held my face "I'm a centuries old killer what do you see in me?" She says to me.
"Well. You are the only one who I felt close to. The only one I loved" I say
"Why did you date Aaron then? She asks
"I tried to hide the fact I was gay" I says looking down.
Katelyn held my head up. "Why"
"I told my dad that I was gay. He disowned me ams divorced my mom" I say hugging katelyn.
Katelyn was holding me like I was a baby. "Katelyn I'm not a baby" I laughed "well then stop crying" katelyn says then kisses me. She took me upstairs and put me on my bed. Katelyn kissed me and licked my bottom lip. We began making out. Katelyn placed her hand on my face. I had pulled away from the kiss katelyn laughed " you baby" I punched katelyn. "What" she says sarcastically.

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