chapter 4

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Aphmaus pov

I woke up again to the same dream. Exept the dream is real. I saw the giant panther lying on my bed. I felt it's fur. It was soft. I dozed off. The ear piercing sound of my alarm woke me up I had been playing with Katelyns hair. I forgot that I asked her to bite me and our 'slip up'. Katelyns had fallen asleep on my legs. I lightly budge her to wake her up. She grunts.

A few hours later

I'm 5 ft 4 and my girlfriend is 5ft 11. Trying to kiss her is difficult. Her being strong helps. She can lift me up. Protect me...

I feel a wet towel press again my neck where she bit me. I flinched at the contact

" Are you OK? " she says concerned

"Yeh. It just stings" I say

I pull on her shirt as she cleans the bite wound.
"It will heal as long as I keep on cleaning it " she says

"Katelyn" I say

She nods

"When I woke up there was a panther... on my bed... I feel asleep again... my alarm went off and I woke up... and you were there...are you a-"

She interrupts "A gaint panther. Yes"

"You're (sorry not good at grammar :/) so fluffy" I say

We heard barking from the basement. Katelyn handed me the wet towel and told me to wait. As she went down Celestia came running up the stairs. I heard Katelyn talk but I couldn't understand what she said. I heard a deeper voice speak. Katelyn came upstairs Aaron following behind her.

"Do we have to get a restraining order?" Katelyn said

Aaron left and katelyn took the towel from my hand.

"You finally know what it's like to be bitten" katelyn said

"It was weird..."I say

"It's almost draining" she says.


Katelyn had gone to work. I texted her.

(K=katelyn A=Aphmau )

A: How much longer have you got at work?

K: 10 minutes. Make it 20. I need to get something


It had been 10 minutes. I had been waiting.

3 minutes later

Katelyn walked through the door holding something

"Hello, cupcake" katelyn said. I giggled at the nickname.

She hands me a bag.
"Your early" I say

"I know" she says

Katelyn moved the hair from my face. She stares into my eyes.
"My God... your eyes... their so hypnotising..." She looked at me. She puts her thumb under my lip and lightly pulls down. It opened my mouth a bit. She kisses me. I was on my tiptoes  and I could still not reach her fully. Katelyn had lifted me up. Putting me on the counter.

"Aphmau?" Katelyn says

"Yeh" I say

"What did I do to deserve some one like you?" She asks

"We became friends. You cheered me up when I was broken up with. You care about me and accept me for my childishness" I say

"Your not childish. Your very cheerful. I cheered you up because I can't stand to see you cry. I befriended you because you were too pretty to be lonely" she says

I got off the counter and sat on the couch and celestia came and sat next to me. Katelyn had been making that chocolate and caramel drink for me. She walked into the lounge with the drink and handed it to me. She had a cup herself. Which I could only think was blood as she is a vampire.

No one's pov

As katelyn and Aphmau finished their drinks Aphmau fell asleep. Katelyn cleaned the cups and put them away and picked up Aphmau put her over over her shoulder and took her upstairs. She put her girlfriend on the bed she kisses her on the head. She sat on aphmaus bed and waited. She didn't sleep. She listened for something.

The next day

Aphmau woke up and saw katelyn sitting on the edge of the bed "katelyn?" Aphmau questions

"Yes, cupcake?" Katelyn answers

"Are you OK?" Aphmau ask

"I'm fine" Katelyn says

She looks at Aphmau seductively

"We better get dressed" Katelyn said to Aphmau. "It's also my day off... you finally get to see what I brought you."

(My lord I'm gonna end it here 714 words)

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