chapter 18

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Aphmaus pov

We had been making out for 5 minutes. Katelyn pulled away she heard a knock on the door and made her way upstairs, I followed close behind. She opened the door to see a goofy blonde haired male with his boyfriend "what are you two love birds doing this fine day?" Said luarance

"Not talking to you" she says before abruptly shutting the door

"Katelyn,"I say "what if it was importan-"
"Important! coming from those two"
I sighed. I didn't want to argue. She pulls me closer with hints of aggression "your mine~"

No one's pov

She moves her head to the neck of the smaller girl. Sinking her fangs into aphmaus neck.

Aphmaus pov

I wake up, gasping. She wouldn't bite me without asking.
I look over to her. Still fast asleep. I snuggle up to her. After awhile I drop back to sleep..

Ones Desires- Katemau AUWhere stories live. Discover now