chapter 16

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Aphmaus pov

Katelyn had fallen asleep beside me. Little purrs came from the vampire as she slept.


Katelyn had woken up. "Morning, beautiful" She says kissing my neck. "Morning" I reach my arm over to her head and run my fingers through her blue hair. Katelyn got up and looked at me "c'mon sleepy head" She says looking at me. "Katelyn, we both fell asleep in our clothes" I say getting up. She takes off her shirt "get changed then" She walks out.

After we both changed our clothes we went downstairs.

No one's pov

Katelyn pinned her girlfriend against the wall. Letting out a quite growl as she got closer. "K-Katelyn?" Aphmau blushed. Katelyn kissed aphmau. Aphmau kissed back still blushing. Katelyn, whilst still kissing aphmau, picked her up and put the smaller girl on the couch. Leaving hickeys on aphmaus neck.  Aphmau pushed katelyn away. 
"Aphmau?" Katelyn sighed Aphmau sat up straight and looked at her girlfriend.

Aphmaus pov

I smiled at Katelyn. Jumping on her, I began kissing her. Katelyn looked at me "what should we do?" I ask her

She got up and went down to the basement with a stake. A minute later she came back upstairs "can we carry on?" She smiles suggestively. I look at katelyn. Her glowing eyes, her sexy smile
Her curvy yet fit body.

"Your staring" She grins. I blush
Katelyn begins to lean closer when the door opens
"Do people not know how to knock?" She scowled. She slumped down on the sofa. Travis looked confused "anyway.... aphmau! Zane and I are dating!" Travis says enthusiastically. "Oh hey, good job snowball" katelyn says looking at him.

Snowball  haven't heard her call travis that since high school. Zane had walked in "hey" he says.

They kiss. I laughed "you call that a kiss" I kiss katelyn. "H-hey you two have been together for longer" Travis said

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