chapter 14

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Aphmaus pov

Katelyn held my face. "I should get rid of Aaron shouldn't I?" She laughs.
She took knocked out Aaron downstairs to the basement and locked it. A grin crept across my face. I pull katelyn in to a kiss. She stops herself from falling on top of me by putting her hand on the wall. She pinned me against the wall. She laughed.

I couldn't help but stare. Katelyn held my face "your staring" She says smiling.

I begin to make growling sounds
"GRRRRRR" I yell
She looked at me. She let out a loud roar. 
I frown "why do you have to one-up me?"
Katelyn looked down at me and kissed me "does that make you happy?"


She moves a piece of hair that had fallen onto my face. 

She stepped back from me.

A/N getting rid of the last bit. I think this book needs a little less drama. Also there's lost 8f drama in my life at the moment so yeh

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