chapter 3

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Aphmaus pov

I woke up to something fluffy behind me. It couldn't have been celestia because she sleeps down stairs. I was too tired to check and fell asleep. I woke up again it wasn't fluffy like last time. She was playing with my hair and kissing my neck.

"Katelyn" I say

"Yes?" She says

"What would you have done to Aaron if I didn't tell you to not hurt him?" I ask

"Too violent for your ears" she says whilst playing with my hair. I roll over to face Katelyn she puts her hands on my face. She kissed me.


I was waiting for katelyn to come home from work so I decided to do some cooking. I made pancakes... tons.... and tons of pancakes....

I heard the door open I was eating pancakes at the moment so I didn't look. I felt a hand on my neck "you've been busy" katelyn says. I turned around to face her "Your a vampire..." I say

"Yes?" Katelyn said

"You can bite me?" I say

"Yes" katelyn said

"Will you bite me?" I ask

"Do you want me to?" She aks

"Yes" I answer. katelyn moved my hair away from my neck. She tilted her head and moved closer to my neck. Her fangs pierced my neck. I grab her shirt. She stopped biting me and kissed me. "Are you ok?" Katelyn said

"Yes..." I say

Katelyn grabbed a wipe and wiped the blood away from my neck. "It shouldn't be long until it heals" She says

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